Our First Day Out

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Stepfanie's P.O.V.

I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. I still couldnt belive that my idol Demi Lovato wanted to hang out with me. I got up out of bed and went to go take a shower. After i got out of the shower i checked my phone and saw that i had a text message from Demi. Heyy stepfanie are you up. I texted her back. Heyy sorry i was in the shower. Once i texted her back my phone started to ring i answered it.

"Hello stepfanie." "Hi Demi." "Ok so i was wondering where you wanted to go?" "You know ive always wanted to go to Orlando Studios its only 10 minutes away from here." "Ok ill be there in a second."

I hung up the phone and quickly got dressed. I put on a black long sleve shirt and black jeans with my black converse. (Hey dont judge me i like the color black.) A couple of minutes later there was a knock at my door. I answered it, it was Demi.

"Heyy Demi" " Heyy ok so you ready to go. "Yeah lets go." And with that we were off.

Demi's P.O.V

Once we got to the amusment park Stepfanie looked so happy. The first ride we got on looked scary.

"Come dont tell me that the Demi Lovato is scared." "No im not scared come lets go.

We got on the ride and it started. We went up a steep hill and we went down fast Stepfanie had her hands in the air and thats when i saw it. She had numerous cuts on both of her arms. I was going to ask her about them but she looked like she was having so much fun and i didnt want to ruin it for her. I decided that i would ask her about them when we got to the hotel.

After riding a couple of rides i decided it wad time to go eat. Stepfanie started acting strange. "Demi im not really hungry and plus there are lots of rides we havent ridden yet." "Come on weve been out here for almost 4 hours and we havent eaten and we can ride the rest of the rides later." Finally she gave in.

We went to this little resturant inside of the park. "I want a hot dog and some french fries what do you want Stepfanie." "I just want a salad." "Are you sure." "Yeah i told you i wasent hungry." A few minutes later the waiter brought us our food.

Stepfanie's P.O.V

I cant belive Demi is making me eat food. Nasty disgusting food. Im going to have to find a way to sneak out and throw up. I just dont understand why shes making me eat ugh.

"Heyy kid i want you to eat not play around and pretend to eat it." "I told you i wasent hungry." "Alright kiddo lets go." We well Demi finished eating her food and we finished riding all the rides and went back to the hotel.

Demi's P.O.V

Before we could even get to the hotel Stepfanie was asleep. "Hey kiddo come on get up." "Just five more minutes." Looks like shes not gonna be getting up so i decided to carry her. When i picked her up i thought she  would be heavier than she was. She was so light i was able to carry her with one arm. my body guard escorted us to her room. I opened her room with my free arm went in and put her in the bed. As i was leaving i heard her say something in her sleep. "No please dont leave me." then she just started crying. I put my arms around her and comforted her until she went back to sleep. Now that she was sleeping i deccided to use this time to look at her arms. When i pulled her sleeves back i nearly started crying. There were so many white scars on both arms some that even looked fresh. I just wanted to pick her up and hug her. She started moving around and her sleep and before i could pull her sleeves down she saw me.

Stepfanie's P.O.V.

When i woke up i felt someone touching my arm. I looked down and saw Demi looking at my scars.I was so ashamed. I started to cry. "So i guess this means you think that i am a freak now." I said. "Of course i dont think your a freak. I know exactly what your going through. I went through the same thing." "Except im going through more." I thought i said that more to myself than i did to her but i guess she heard me. " What do you mean your going through more." It wouldnt help to lie now so i decided to tell the truth she already thought i was a freak. "Well my dad is an abusive piece of shit who beats me senseless every day. And i dont know where my mom is. I might be bi polor. I have a serious eating disorder. I have no friends and i get beat up at school everyday. shall i continue." Demi didnt say anything and when i looked up she was crying. I scooted over and hugged her. "Dont cry." "I just cant believe that someone as young as you is going through so much." "Hey its getting late why dont you go back to your room and get some rest." "No im sleeping here tonight." "Dont you need some pajamas. " Ill have my body guard bring them over." After she got her pajamas we both fell right asleep.

A/n: Heyy guys im back and better than ever. Sorry it took so long i just needed some time for me. But now everything is goiing to be much better.Enjoy.

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