
53 4 0

How does it feel
To be beloved by your peers
To know that no matter what
They'll appreciate you

I slip up
I fall on my back
And people don't even look back

Because they're looking at you
They see you and they see fun
They see perfection
They see someone who deserves affection

No but fuck me

You two are the stars of the show
The cream of the crop
You two are the dream, the rest a sideshow

And the rest is me
I'm the tried and the failed
How does it feel
To truly have feelings returned
Because fuck me
I wouldn't know

Fuck you and fuck poetry
Form is a pain
It's all show
I haven't got time for presentation
Let my emotions free
Minus the complication

I don't want to hate you.
But I do.
I'm sorry.

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