Sweet - Baker!Jin x Reader

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I never really gave much thought about the bakery that recently opened near me. Whenever I would walk past it, I admired how pretty it looked from the outside - the small building was painted in a soft pastel pink colour, and the pastries were arranged neatly next to the window. For a small bakery, I can tell that it has already attracted many people since there's usually a fair amount of customers mingling inside.

"Hey, why don't we go to that bakery near yours today?" my best friend, (f/n), suggested as she got up from the couch.

"I don't know. I'm really not bothered to go out, and it seems kind of expensive." I groaned with my eyes still glued to the TV. I was completely lost from the plot of the drama that we were watching, everything was just too cliche and all over the place but, all the over-exaggerated shouting kept me entertained.

"Please, please, please," she repeated over and over whilst blocking my view of the TV screen, "You haven't even been inside there so why not just try it out? "

I waved her off as I scooted to the edge of the couch trying to get a better view of the screen, "Maybe next time. Why do you want to go so badly anyway? You weren't that interested in that bakery before."

A huge grin appeared on her face as if she was waiting for me to ask that question. "Well, a lot of people are saying that the pastries there taste heavenly." I stared at her blankly, knowing that that wasn't the real reason. "And I've heard the rumours that the one of the bakers who owns the shop is really handsome!"

"So you only want to go there because of a guy, not because of the cakes?" I asked, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Well yeah... I mean the cakes are a bonus sooo..." she replied, not even denying her real intent.

"Fine." I responded with an unpleased look on my face, though on the inside I too was curious about this supposedly handsome baker.


Once we opened the door to the bakery, I heard a bell chime signalling that customers were entering the building. Taking a step inside, (f/n) instantly froze in her spot which also stopped me from walking any further.

"Holy sh-" she mumbled under breath.

I was too busy taking in the surroundings, amazed by the sweet smell and the relaxing atmosphere that the cafe gave off that I didn't notice what or who was she was staring at. When I was about to turn to look at the direction she was staring at, she quickly pushed me away to the corner of the cafe where we sat down on the empty seats.

"Are you okay?" I questioned at my friend whose eyes were wide open.

She took a deep breath, whispering, "How are you so calm when someone so handsome is nearby?"

"Well I didn't get a proper l-" I stopped what I was saying when I saw the baker looking at our direction. We made eye contact which I quickly broke as I looked away in the process. After a few seconds, I looked at his direction once again just to see if he was still looking our way. It was apparent that we had the same idea since we made eye contact again, this time he gave me a sincere smile.

It seems that the rumours were right - he is good looking. Maybe even that is an understatement. Plus, he seems like a nice person too. Well, I don't know him personally so I shouldn't be making any assumptions, however his soft eyes and his gentle smile seems to suggest this.

My cheeks were burning. I felt so embarrassed getting caught staring that I'm pretty sure that my face was completely red. (f/n) must have noticed this too, pointing it out through her giggles, "Oh my god (y/n), if you're gonna check him out do it discretely so that you don't get caught! Your whole face is so red right now."

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