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My name is Marinette Dupain Cheng. I was madly in love with my boyfriend, Adrien Agreste. Now, I had heard about that disease. Hanahaki they called it. The disease of love, unreciprocated love. In all honesty, I never thought I would catch it. So sit tight, as I tell you a story.

It was one month ago. I can still remember the exact events of that godforsaken day.

"Adrien!" I called out, my sketchbook fell out of my hand as I ran through the park towards him. A bright smile lined our faces. A smile is always full of lies.

I remember jumping out to him. Him catching me in his muscular arms. Holding me tighter and tighter. He pulled his head apart from mine, a deceitful grin lining his face. I'll be honest, I was happy back then. The warmth of his body against mine, the seemingly warm smile on his face, the apparent joy he felt from seeing me. Now that I look back on it, I regret loving him.

With that, he let go of me, "Hey princess. It's so nice to see you!" He then looked at a watch on his right arm. Looking back at me, a guilty expression framed his face. "I'm so sorry, I have to go to this-" he paused for a second, thinking about what to say, "photoshoot Nathalie booked for me."

I felt sad but relented anyway. After all, his career always comes first. Right? I frowned at this but let him go, he hurriedly ran towards the direction of the school. At that time, I didn't realize how strange it was.

A sharp pain scratched the inside of my throat at that moment. I began to cough, just as he ran out of view. I fell to the ground my hand on my throat. It was painful. So painful. I felt like something was shoved into the back of my throat. At that moment, I coughed so hard something came out. I had my eyes closed at that moment trying to just cough out the thing in my throat. But soon enough I heard murmurs around me. I opened my eyes in pain, and I saw it. Flowers. Deep crimson roses. How ironic, the flower of love. I heard a few gasps.

Someone came up to me, their hand rubbing my back. The soft voice whispering, "I'm so sorry sweetie."

I didn't understand at first, why I was coughing up flowers. But I looked up to the kind woman next to me, I saw the pity in her eyes. More and more petals spewed from my mouth. But she sat there trying to calm me down. The next thing I knew I had random people from the park around me. Trying to console me. But, I heard one phrase that hits me even now.

"That lying bastard," the kind woman muttered under her breath.

My throat slowly but surely became normal once more. I looked down at the blood-red rose petals and thorns adorning the park pavement. The kind woman helped me up. She offered to help me get home. I shook my head pointing out my home was right next to the park.

I went home, rose petals in hand. Gripping them tightly. I opened the bakery doors. My parents saw the hurt expression on my face. My mother and father rushed to me to check what was wrong. In silence, I opened up my hand showing the wet petals. My mother gasped. A tear formed in her eye. Dad shook his head in anger, clenching, and unclenching his fist.

My dad started to walk to the door, but mom stopped him. Her hand gripping his arm. He looked back at her, she shook her head no. He yelled out, "That boy. He doesn't love her Sabine." He trembled in rage.

"I know Tom dear. I know." She had a calm smile on her face as she spoke, "but right now, let's take care of our daughter."

I couldn't make eye contact with them. My eyes focused on the flower petals in my hand. Mom quickly made me throw away the petals. Practically running me to my room. She had me lay down on my fainting couch. Pulling the blanket from my bed she laid it on me, trying to make me cozy.

Once she left the room I heard her talking to dad. I heard the rush of footsteps and heavy breathing. The door soon creaked open. Alya and Nino entered the room. A look of sorrow filled both of their faces. Alya kneeled next to me, holding my hand. Gripping it tightly.

"I'm sorry Marinette. I should have known. I shouldn't have pushed you with him." Alya said in a low saddening tone.

I don't remember what came after, I believe I fell asleep.

A few days later, I remember going to the doctor. They told me I had two options. Live out my life with this, eventually getting to the point where I suffocate on flowers. Or, get surgery, remove my memories of my one-sided love. At that point, there was only one option.

So, I'm writing this to tell the future me about what happened. I hope you don't make the same mistakes as I did.

I never did find out that happened to Adrien, or even if he ever had any feelings for me. Maybe you will. 


Marinette looked down at the notebook in her lap. She looked off, out the hospital window. Sat next to her was her dear friend Alya. But, even reading the letter, she wondered. 

"Who's Adrien?" She asked, her attention turning to Alya. 

Alya looked a bit off-put by the question, but she answered anyway. "He's someone unimportant to us. Someone who lied to you too many times." She shook her head. The anger welling up in Alya. 

Marinette looked blankly at the girl. "I guess he was." She looked back down at the notebook. Something was taped to the next page. A small blue and yellow bracelet laid there. She wondered if it was important to her. But, if she couldn't remember it, then it was worthless now. She handed Alya the bracelet asking her to throw it out. Alya flinched at the sight of it, but then did so. 

Marinette was discharged after a few weeks. A bright smile lit up her face as she and Alya entered the school. Nino sat in the seat behind them in class, with an unfamiliar blonde boy. 

The boy looked surprised, happy even. "Marinette!" He yelled, hopping up to hug her. 

Marinette was visibly uncomfortable. "Who are you?" She asked pushing him away from her. The blonde boy looked dumbfounded. 

"Don't mind him Marinette. He's someone you shouldn't be concerned with." Nino looked angry at the blonde, though the boy looked dejected. 

Alya and Marinette sat down, talking among themselves. Once the teacher came in, roll began to be called.

The teacher welcomed back Marinette with a smile, but then a familiar name slipped out of her mouth. "Adrien are you here?"

"Yes." The blonde boy behind her spoke up. 

Marinette turned around in surprise. "Adrien?" She questioned. Most of the girls in the class went silent. All but one. 

Chloe clenched her fist and yelled out, "Don't talk to him Marinette! He doesn't deserve it." Marinette looked confused, yes Chloe was nice and became her friend even after how Chloe treated her, but she didn't expect her to yell out at this random boy.

The boy named Adrien looked shocked and looked down at his paper. "I did love you Marinette. Please believe me."

Marinette looked at the boy. She looked sad, but she didn't quite know why she was. She turned her attention back onto the teacher.

And that's how it ended. With two people, who loved each other, at one point at least. One forgetting the other. Two strangers. That's all they ever were. 

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