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A/N - Merry Christmas! This chapter isn't too good either, but I'll try make things more exciting soon, Will's gonna finally meet his new partner and we're gonna have a more detailed look at each of the Sidemen and their role in the group. Enjoy!

The Boss
The man who's in charge of everything regarding the Sidemen.


Will massaged his temples, looking at the mountain of files on his desk. He was expected to read through them all? Larkin hadn't made an appearance just yet - Will was eager to meet his new partner in... fighting crime, and was hoping they could split the workload so that Will wouldn't be reading these files for days on end.

After making himself a coffee, he sat down with the file at the top of the pile. A white rectangular label on the orange file read 'Sidemen - The Boss'.

Will opened it up to find a photograph of a man wearing a strange mask. Every piece of information that was known about 'The Boss' was on that page. He was frustrated to find that it wasn't a lot.

The first known crime of the so called 'Boss' was the murder of a woman called Freya Nightingale. From what Will could tell, the murder was an accident, but it had started a chain of events that shaped the man into the criminal he was that day.


Josh had a lot on his plate. Their heist had gone well, the money was now in their bank accounts and the cops were none the wiser of where they were hidden.

They were almost ready to go back out into the world.

But it was Josh's responsibility as the Boss to ensure the others weren't going to spill anything.

He knew that Ethan, Tobi and Vik could be trusted, was almost sure Simon wouldn't be a problem. But Harry and JJ were the main problems, they were there for their physical strength, not so much their mental strength.

Harry was a loose cannon, being the Attacker, he was good for sending out to deal some damage to the cops, or - the few times that they'd had to - for torturing someone for information.

There had been a couple of times in time the Sidemen had been a thing that Harry had almost revealed their hideout's location or even the true identities of the members. Josh knew that he'd need to remind Harry to be careful.

JJ wasn't as bad a problem as Harry, but with some alcohol in his system JJ got talkative, and with secrets as big as theirs, talkative wasn't good for the Sidemen.

"Harry, I need to speak to you for a moment." Josh called the youngest member over, the boys were gathered around the television watching football, five of them totally invested whilst Vik watched over the top of his laptop.

"What do you need, Boss?" Harry asked, entering the cold room Josh had named his temporary office.

"I need to know you're gonna be careful with our information, I can't have you blabbing about anything. You understand?" Josh told him in a low voice.

"I'll be more careful, I understand." Harry confirmed, Josh nodded happily then jerked a thumb towards the door, Harry quickly left.

"Tell JJ the same, yeah?" He quickly added before the door closed behind Harry.

The door clicked shut and Josh sank into the old office chair in the corner of the room. After a moment of silence, Josh pulled a small photo out of his pocket. It was a tiny square picture from a photo booth of a younger version of himself and a pretty blonde woman.

"I'm sorry Freya." He whispered to the picture.

"Josh?" A voice called through the door, Josh quickly put the picture back in his pocket and stood up. Tobi entered the room a moment later.

"What's up?" Josh asked, Tobi exhaled slowly, and Josh knew it wasn't good news.

"I've got wind that a special force has been assigned to hunt us down. The guys leading the case are Will Lenney and Josh Larkin, both Detectives." He explained, then handed Josh a folded up piece of paper. He unfolded it to see two pictures of the Detectives.

"Shit, I didn't think we were that important. Are these two gonna be a problem?" Josh asked, throwing the paper onto a nearby table.

"Not sure, from what I heard, these two are experienced, solved almost every case they've been given and put away a lot of big players."

"I'll have Vik find out some more about them, thanks for telling me." Josh sighed, Tobi gave a small smile then left the room.

He looked at the photo again, the Detectives staring back at him, "Just another day on the job."

And somewhere, in a police station the other side of London, Detective Will Lenney said the same thing.

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