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"Simon, JJ shot you - you remember that, right?" Josh asked Simon, standing over his injured friend.

"Of course I do, how could I forget that when my chest feels like it's on fire every time I breathe? Look, JJ had to have a reason for doing this, they have to be holding something over him, to get him to do what they want. He wouldn't turn against us unless they were forcing him." Simon tried to sit up, but Josh pushed him back down onto the table.

"Stay still, you'll rip the stitches."

"I don't care - we need to find JJ and help him."

"JJ isn't high on our priority list at the moment, you need rest."

"Well, he should be at the top of the priority list, let me go." Simon protested, struggling against Josh's hold.

"Lie the fuck down, Simon. I'll look for him, if you stay still."

Simon grunted in defeat and dropped back down, "Can I at least move somewhere that isn't a table?"



Lux and Freezy had been working together for years. They had built a reputation for being the most dangerous duo in London. They charged a large amount for their services as hitmen, but with over 50 successes in their resume, it was only fair.

Things had been going well. Lux had been in a steady relationship with Sarah for a couple of years now and Freezy was fine with all his one-night-stands. But then someone had to go and kidnap Sarah, whether it was to get at them or for another reason entirely, they would just have to find out.

"Alright, I think I found her. This house just outside the city, quite a big house too." Freezy said, handing an iPad with a map displayed on the screen to Lux.

"Good, we can get there within an hour." Lux said, grabbing his jacket from a chair where he'd thrown it in his distress earlier.

"We can't just go in there guns blazing, this may be a trap, we don't know who these people are, what they want. I know you care about Sarah, I do too, but we can't help her if we're dead."

"I don't have time to plan. I'm going in there with or without you."


Simon hated not being able to move. Josh and Tobi has helped him to his room and Vik had been good enough to bring him some food and drink, but he felt useless. JJ was obviously in some sort of trouble, he wouldn't turn on them like that unless they were forcing him to, Simon just didn't know what it could be.

With nothing to do, Simon found himself staring out of the window for a long while, there was no movement in their dark garden other than a bird or two every so often until Simon caught sight of a pair of figures moving towards the house. He couldn't see their faces, which were disguised by the shadows, but he was entirely sure they weren't there for a cup of tea and a chat.

"JOSH?" He yelled, hoping that the man was close enough in the giant house to hear him, "TOBI?"

There was no reply.

"HEY! ANYONE THERE?" He tried again, but nobody answered, "Fucks sake."

If nobody was going to come to him, he was going to have to go to them.


Josh was more stressed than he'd ever been, he wouldn't be surprised if even more of his hair was grey after the past couple of days. JJ has gone rogue, teaming up with the enemy and they had a random nurse he'd kidnapped locked in the spare room.

For now, all he could do was sit and think over a cup of Dr Pepper (with a bit of vodka added, to ease his nerves). Vik had retreated back to his room and he had no idea about the others, but at that moment he didn't particularly care.


Josh glanced up from the marble countertop, seeing Simon stagger through the doorway, his white shirt stained red where his stitches had ripped.

"Simon, what the fuck are you doing?" Josh asked, standing up and going over to Simon, grabbing his shoulder and guiding him to the chair.

"Are you drunk? Doesn't matter - there're people outside the house, sneaking about, I doubt they're up to something good. Get the others, get guns, we may have to fight."

"There's - Alright, you're not doing any fighting, you're not in any state to be doing anything. Stay here, I'll get the others."


"Lux, I'm on the East side of the building, you ready?" Freezy whispered into his walkie, crouching in the shadows of the large building.

"I'm on the West side, we go in when the clocks hit two, yeah?"

"Yeah, thirty seconds to go."

The thirty seconds seemed to take hours, Freezy waited anxiously for it to pass, holding his gun with an iron grip. It was bad enough that this could be a trap, but Sarah was in there too, and that meant her life was at risk too. If he was worried, Lux would be ten times worse.

Finally it hit 2AM, and they both advanced toward the house from opposite sides. Freezy would pick a lock of one of the doors on his side and search the bottom two floors, Lux was going to climb up the other side and take the top floor. They would meet in the middle, hopefully with Sarah, and then leave. In an ideal world, it would be without a fight, but it had never been an ideal world for either of them, so they had to be ready.

A/N: sorry this is bad, and late. I practically had to force myself to write this bc im in a procrastinating mood 24/7 since school started.

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