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"The revenge has been taken and now I can start my class 5 like a new start for my school life..",Trent muttered to himself while wearing his school uniform and when he arrived the school,he had a bright smile and confident attitude..and when he entered the class,this was the first time when no bullies him or teases him ,but the girls as always looked at him in a mean way and in a annoying manner,but Trent doesn't bother about that..So is it the end of Trent's struggle?...It is the Mathematics period which was going on ,and Trent is most weak in Maths among all the subjects,and teacher knew that too,so the Teacher tell Trent to sit beside Marie,most intelligent student of math of his class,and when Trent going to sit beside her,she stopped him and said,"I will not let you sit here"then Trent asked why,then she replied in a mean attitude"If I let you sit here then your poor skills will make me a poor student too,look in simple words I am good student and you are not so why I will let you sit here",almost whole laughed at Trent and he felt very ashamed of himself,..Again in the next period, The language asked Trent a Grammer question,And Trent was unable to answer it,A girl from the back shouted "Miss this question is very below standard even a class 2 student can answer it ,please ask some tough questions",and the whole class laughed again,an indirect attack to Trent,these little mental torchures continued to happen ,Trent have managed to stand against the physical pain and aggression and have managed to fight against it but mental pain is twice as painful as the physical pain,The marks of the physical assault will take some days to heal but pin point arrows of the mental pain and hate may take the whole life to recover,physical pain fades away with time but the mental torture will be with you forever in your,even if you tried to remove it from your brain ,still some of the part will still remain in your heart and every time time you remember it in your future,dark thoughts will come..So one day the Teacher asked all the students to make groups for science project so everyone began to make their but at the end no one have taken Trent to their group,and when the Teacher asked the students that why all of you haven't taken Trent to your group,then the students replied"Sir we don't want our team to loose, we wanted to complete out project in time,he is a weak student he will be a burden for us",everyone refused to take Trent to their group,poor Trent just trying to control his emotions,crying in backbench,but no one to help him ,like this almost his whole class 5 passes ,Half revived from his physical pain now suffering from mental pain too,in his ending days of class 5 ,One day he reached home and cry in guilt and ashamed and then began to pray to God and said,"What is my fault?,why you are doing this to me?,what I have done?,please help me,please help me,it took me 4 years to fight with that physical torchure,and now again this mental pain,I cannot handle this anymore ...crying and snivling..why these things are happening to I really so bad.. just because i am weak in studies,who gave them right to judge me,who are they..I cannot handle this anymore..",Then a sudden strike comes to Trent's mind,he muttered to himself,"wait, hold on Trent,just think,don't panic,when Baron and his members showed their strenght to you,you developed power and tolerance in yourself and you give them a lesson in their way that means if now I am struggling through mental pain for studies that mean I have to become good in studies too and then I can show the others students that I am not useless and I promise to myself that a day will come when they will ask me help them and respect me and then I will show them the attitude",It's time for another REVENGE.....In a different manner!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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