Chapter 8

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Hussain closed the door behind me and followed me down. 'Erm.. sorry if it was quite awkward for you I really wanted my parents to meet you' Hussain said.

I laughed 'Its okay they are really nice, lucky you, but why me?' I was so curious.

'Thanks' he smirked.

'Lets just say your special' He winked.

Oh my! This guy was going to be the death of me.

We walked through a crowd of people. There was way too many people in one place unlike the UK.

'Right Ill be off.' Hussain dropped me off to my hotel door.

'wait... come in!' I called him back.

We walked in Riz was probably out somewhere breathing in NYC air.

We both sat down on the bed.

Hussain started talking about the most random stuff Wow we was so alike yet apart.

'Speak' he said to me laughing.

'what ?!' As always I was confused.

'Your accent is nice just like you' he grabbed my hand. OMDS THIS IS NOT HAPPENING. I told myself to calm down!

'Okayy...' I laughed.

Time past way to fast. It was time for him to go. I didnt want him to go.

'Bye Falak erm you wana meet again tomorrow?'

'Hm I don't know I have to see if Riz has planned anything I'll call you and let you know.' I looked down trying to control my smile.

'Okay then.'

I walked back to the bed and called up my parents.

Salam maa! -Falak

How are you Falak is NYC nice? Are you okay? Hows the food? You eating right? -mum

Gosh chill out mum am okay.Yes I am eating for god sake and hows dad? -Falak

He is fine and look after yourself.-Mum

Will do - Falak

Betaa Falak We need to talk...-mum

**** I am Extremely sorry for not updating in so long forgive me. I will try my best to update more often also sorry for a short chapter.



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