Chapter 4

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I know its not the weekend but I couldnt wait to write the next chapter and here it is for you beuties. Enjoy.


That was it. No more. Dream over. The best minute of my life. "I Cant believe what just happened, am so happy for you." Riz told me. She was happy, cheery maybe.

We were still walking around looking at the things in New York. "I know Right, I just want to scream, I cant even tell you how I feel it was incredible." I really couldnt it was amazing feeling something different.

I loved him.

"Back to reality I guess" I Sighed.

High building beautiful I say. I still couldnt stop thinking about him though, his deep brown eyes, his perfect brows beat mine anyday, his sexy lips and his cute nose.He was Mr. Perfect.

Hussain Asif your perfect.

"Hello,oii!" Rizeena was waving her hands around.

"huh?! oh sorry" I was day dreaming.

"Thinking about Hussain right?" She knew it.

I couldnt help but laugh at my idiotic self.

It was getting cold. A cool breezy was flowing past me. " OMG! You got to be kidding me..." I turned around to see Riz pointing and the 4 amazing boys joined by another amazing one. All in one. "Dhoombros.Adam" I wispered unbelievably. They were dancing on the street. "Come on...". Riz pulled me.

A load of girls cuddles around the boys. I wanted to but it was crowded no way was I going to get a hug.

I couldnt help but concentrate on Hussain. I felt like a cow I always said they are all equal I dont want to pick favourites now look at me. He had a massive smile on his face, like always, they all did.

"Thank you all, it was a pleasure performing for you" Waqas said after the dance was finished.

I looked around to find Riz but I couldnt find her...crap. I scanned the area to find my small friend... no sign.

"Hi... you okay?" A voice from behind me asked.I turned around to see him. My eyes met his. What was I thinking am a freak stop imagining stuff I told myself.. " Hi Hussain, erm just trying to find my friend" I tried to sound normal I felt shaky and nervous. "Oh You found him! Am here" He laughed. He wanted to be my friend. What? Okay this was my mind playing tricks on me. I laughed not knowing what to say. "Erm..." this was highly awkward what was he trying to say."I met you before right?". He asked.

"Yeah near the food court". I told him.

"Am wondering If you would like to swap numbers?" What the hell.Hussain Asif asked for my number. My inside was all jumping and screaming, but why me?Out of ever other girl why me? "What? Me?" I asked.

"No, your soul" He blushed.

So I finally swapped numbers

"Hey miss" Shehry said. "Hi" Okay I was shaking again. I met all the boys. I felt like a bomb waiting to explode, my feeling were all over the place.

"You just a fan or Hussain's girl?" Atif Asked.

"Fan". I replied. I noticed. Hussains eyes meeting with the ground. "So why did you both swap numbers? Waqas butted in. The boys all started laughing. " Forget these guys they idiots" Shehry came and put his hand around my shoulder. I smiled again. Trying to act less fangirl more of a normal girl.

-Carry you- My Phone Rang. "Hi" - Me

"I miss you" -Unknown


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Love to y'all. Dream Big.

- TeenagePerk.

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