Chapter 5- The Unfortunate Meeting

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Hoseok's Mom-

I walked to the hospital with two bags full of food. I hope my Hobi is hungry. As soon as I walked through the hospital doors, I sighed loudly.

"How is it that I just came two days ago, and I forgot where to go?" I muttered to myself. I massaged my hands, which were in pain from carrying the bags. I must have looked very lost, because a very pale girl with brown hair walked up to me and asked if I needed help. She must have been a patient because she was wearing a hospital gown and a bracelet.

"Yes, I do need help. I need to find my son's room so that I could drop this off there." I said as I motioned to the bags. She nodded her head and smiled.

"I would love to help you," She said happily." May I know your son's name?"

"Jung Hoseok." I said to her. As soon as I said his name, she smiled widely.

"I know your son's room." She said cutely.

"Thank you!" I said as I bent down to pick up the bags. But she only waved her hands and picked them up herself.

"I can carry them. Follow me!" She said quickly. We rode in the elevator together, and I tried to break the awkward silence in the air.

"What is your name, sweetheart?" I asked her.

"Kim Hyeri." She said with a nod.

"How do you know my son?"

"I met him two days ago, and he was very nice." She said with a smile. "I am glad that I got to meet you today Mrs.Jung."

"Me too." I said. She smiled widely at me, and the elevator doors opened. I followed her through the hallway, and she stopped in front of a room with the number 730 on it. She set down the bags and smiled.

"Well, this is the room. If you need anything, please let me know." She said with a bow, and left. I picked up the bags and walked through the door, finding Hoseok on the bed, listening to music. As soon as he saw me, he took off his headphones and got up to hold the bags for me.

"Omma!" He said, grinning. He started to empty the contents of the bag and put it in the mini refrigerator next to his bed. I sat down on the chair and sighed.

"Omma, did you walk up here with these heavy bags all by yourself?" He said with a worried tone. "I could have carried them for you."

"I didn't come up here alone actually. A nice girl named Kim Hyeri helped me." I said to him. As soon as I said her name, he quickly turned around and looked at me with a huge smile.

"Kim Hyeri? A pretty brown haired girl with pale skin?" He asked me. I nodded my head, and he smiled. Then he turned back to put the things in the fridge.

"I really like that girl. She is very kind." I said smiling. He nodded his head and held open a container of radish kimchi.

"Can I eat this?" He said with a grin.


As we sat on the bed and ate, he went on and on about the girl.

"She can play the violin. And we both like vanilla cream buns!" He said with a stuffed mouth. I took a napkin and wiped his mouth.

"Aigoo, don't talk while you chew. Did I not teach you manners?" I said with a laugh. He nodded his head and continued chewing.

"It seems that my Hobi is in love." I said while nudging his side. He almost spit out his food when I said that.

"Omma! We are just friends." He said loudly.

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