Sharing the agony (a)

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Hope you all will like it....

And one more thing guys... now this book is going to end soon... Due to very low response I have decided to wrap up this book soon... Don't worry I will not leave in middle but just try to cut some scenes and wrap up story soon...

Those who haven't checked till now.. Do check out by new book ' Pocket Story Contest'

Let's move towards story...

Swara's pov

'I Love you... You are my shona ' only these words were ringing in my mind.

He loves me but shona.. Why this name? The name that always haunts me but gives be a peace also.

Why listening this name from his mouth I feel like it truely belongs to me...

All the things ringing in my mind.. How Maa and baba never let anyone call me shona? My panic attacks... With time how that all get decreased... After that I decided to know this shona story but unfortunately Maa baba left me with these questions... I never let anyone call me shona later not even Neha.. But why I am feeling peace after listening shona from his mind what's happening??

My mind kept on recalling all the questions which left unanswered... Moreover, guilt of saying wrong to sanskar's feeling..

Just all the things revolving in my mind... But I need to get answers to my questions...

Pov ends

Swara was lost in thinking stressing her mind when sweat start forming on
her forehead, she stumbles but holds the chair.

Listening the sounds sanskar looks up with teary eyes, tears strain on his cheeks. Seeing swara's condition his eyes got wide, he immediately stands up and make her sit on the chair...wiping her sweat he makes her drink water, fearing a panic attack again. This was the reason he was fearing to share her past before memory loss. when doctor and Neha assured he tried but seeing her condition again that fear engulfed her heart... He fear to loss his shona again...Thinking all this his condition was not less... May be he was caring for swara but his shaking hands and sweats on forehead was describing her condition well.

Seeing his shaking hands swara holds them and says ' Sanskar..'

'shona.. I mean swara... What happen? Feeling low? Come we should leave... All things can be discussed later... ' sanskar replied instantly panicking about her condition.

While swara was just lost him in listening his words, seeing his care for her.

' No sanskar I am fine... I want all answers to my questions... Will you give with me?' says swara firmly but with pain and lots of confusion was visible in her eyes.

'I will swara... Only if you promise that you will also give me answers of my questions... ' listening him swara nods.

Sanskar intertwined his fingers with her and gestures her to come with him. Both moves towards the other side of the terrace where a mattress was placed in corner decorated with lights. It was seemed to be well decorated for stargazing.
Sanskar makes swara sits there and himself sits in front of her holding her hands and says ' Now say...'

'you know very well sanskar what I am gonna ask so say yourself 'says swara

' ok... Our parents were good sorry best friends... Bose mansion used to be just beside Maheswari mansion. Their friendship was soul reason of our closeness... We were besty no soul of each other as our parents used to say... We play, care, Cry know we were over possessive about each other and I think still we are.., 'says sanskar with a wink.

Listening it swara smack his arm lightly and says' ok continue...'

'once we were playing in the garden and your ball went on the middle of road...I said I will bring but you stubborn girl ran before me and got hit with a truck... And what last you listened was my scream 'shona'... You used to call me sansku and I used to call you shona... And believe me about this name we were highly possessive... Even our parents never dared to call us this...' sanskar completes

'but then why I get panick attacks listening  shona and that locket... ' swara ask impatiently

' actually when you woke up... You lost your memory but all get introduced to you.. You were comfortable with them easily but when my turn came... Initially you smiled then when I call you 'shona' you became afraid and doctor suggested me to be away from you... Then he told may be it's because the last scream she heard was this.. a bad memory may be that name gives stress to your brain... Slowly I started calling you swara but being with me always give you flashes of past as you used to stress your brain a lot and one day you fainted and doctors suggested that I should be away from you... ' says sanskar while having tears in his eyes. Unknowingly, swara also have tears in her eyes and says' that's the reason we left India? '

' yup,uncle and aunty thoughts it's better to shift somewhere and leave India.. As here one or other thing will keep haunting your memory.. Which can increase your stress level and that locket was my gift to you... Which you always wear but that get detached from you in accident and when after returning home you find it in your room... You used to love it but get flashes also... So you kept it in a box... When all decided that you and uncle aunty will go to Singapore... That was last time you take out that locket but unknowing to you it's half part got broken when stucked in door... From that day I kept that half part safe... Thinking one day you will return and I will join that pieces... '

Both were crying sharing the agony in their hearts... One was crying listening it and other feeling that pain... She never thought that after death of her parents she will get to know why she gets panic attacks listening that name.. What that lockets means to her... Listening him, she immediately hugs him and says
' I don't know and I don't remember any thing of that time but I promise this time shona will not leave her sansku never ever ' listening her sanskar hugs her tightly through her waist. Swara tightens the hug more wrapping her one hand on his torso and other roaming on his back to sooth him to make him absorb her presence that she is now there close to her. She can feel wetness on her shoulder because of his tears but she didn't stopped him. She wanted that he release his pain and she wanted to be the one and only person to share his agony... She was well aware that she can't think of his pain.. If after listening to that story she is feeling pain, she is crying... How much he had felt bad when she distanced her from him... When her shona used to get panic attacks by mere his presence... When he lost her but was still living in a hope that she will return... Seeing his love the respect and love for him increased in her heart.
They were still hugging tightly when swara try to depart from him but sanskar doesn't wish to go out of hug thinking he might loose her again. He tilted  his head little upward to look at her face and says with so much of innocence and fear in his eyes 'first promise me you will never leave me... This time if you left me na your sansku Will di...' his words left in complete as swara placed her soft rosy lips on his hard ones. Kissing him softly which turned into a passionate one. A kiss of love, a kiss of promise to never leave each other. This was the kiss sealing their promise of being beside each other forever.


Hope you all liked it...

Sorry if past was boring... I thought to reveal all the past in this one but some times destiny has it's own plan's 😂😂.. OK philosophy apart.. Eyes are paining so stopping it here will be back soon with other half of revelations...

Do share your feedback :)

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