Chapter 2

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Marrying Chris Brown


Today was the day I spent with my baby girls. I missed them.

"Daddy"? Bri asked

"Yes baby girl".

"Can we we go see Nana"?

Nana was my mom and g-ma was Gabriella's mom.

"Yeah we can see Nana".

She smiled.

The doorbell rung.

"Bri go upstairs and I will be there to help pick out your clothes".

"Otay daddy". She got off the couch.

"Be careful going upstairs babygirl".

She nodded and walked out and I picked up Melody and went to the door.

"Daddy". Kyla said

She's my four year old. She hugged my leg.

"Hey Chris". Lala said


"Hi Melody". She smiled and took her from me.

I let them in.

"What's up".

"Well Gabby told me you were watching the girls today and I need to be somewhere in five minutes can you please watch Kyla"?

"Girl you don't even have to ask".

She laughed. "Thank you so much Chris".

"I'm going to see my mom so I'm taking the girls".

"Where else would they go"?

I laughed and shook my head. "You know what I mean".

"Thank you so much Chris". She kissed Melody's cheek and handed her back to me.

"I'll be back tomorrow is that okay"?

"Yeah for sure". I smiled

I loved spending time with my girls and the longer I have with them the more I'm happy.

"Okay I'll call her tonight".

"Alright cool".

"Bye Chris bye baby be good for daddy okay".

"Okay mommy".

She hugged Kyla and then left.

"Daddy what we doing".

"Going to Nana's house".

"Yay Nana"!!! She jumped up and down.

"Come on let's help your sisters get dressed".

It was about 12 just finished getting the girls dressed. A almost eight month girl kicking every time you try to put on her jeans. Then a two year old saying no to everything.

"Daddy I no like this". Bri whined

"I talked to mommy and she said this is what you should wear you look cute baby girl".

"Daddy". She whined

"Brianna"! I kinda raised my voice cause her whining was getting to me.

She looked like she was gonna cry.

I sighed and bent down to her level.

"Bri you look just like mommy don't you want to look like mommy".

She nodded. "Yes mommy pweety".

"And your pretty".

She smiled.

"Kyla get your sisters bag".

"Okay". She skipped upstairs.

I went to the play pen and got Melody.

We got to my moms house and let me say I'm glad to see her.

"Oh my goodness Christopher". She hugged me.

"Nana". Bri yelled

"Hey baby". She bent down and hugged Brianna and Kyla.

"Come in come in".

I walked in and she closed the door. We went to the living room and I sat Melody on the floor.

"Chris it's been months since I've seen you".

"I know I'm just so busy".

"And you know I haven't seen my grandson in about a year".

"Mom that's all Jen".

"When's the last time you saw CJ".

"Two days ago".

She shook her head. "I've never like Jen".

"Mom I know you tell me this all the time".

"And I'm going to keep saying it. She's a hoe".

"Mom come on".

"Chris you only wants you cause your one of the best male singers".

"She's the mother of my son".

"I know that but Chris we both know she's trying to ruin your relationship with Gabriella".

"She couldn't do that I love Gabby".

"So do I she's the best woman you have ever met".

"I know other than Lala".

"No Lala I like her but Gabriella is better".

I shook my head.

"Nana can I have juice please". Kyla said

"Sure sweetie".

"Me too". Bri said

Brianna loves her big sister she is always following her when she sees her.


Finally off work. Don't get me wrong I love being a pediatrician but I want to see my babies.

When I walked out of my job cameras flashing everywhere.

I'm happy Chris got me a bodyguard because the last time I was alone some guy attacked me.

He helped me to my car. "Thanks Derek".

"No problem". He smiled and closed my door.

I started my car and left.

When I got home it was quite. I placed my stuff down.

I looked around the house and they weren't here but every single one of Chris's cars are here.

I didn't check the downstairs with the pool game room theater and stuff like that. We even have a basketball court.

I walked downstairs and finally heard them.

They were in the movie theater watching Frozen Brianna loves that movie.


They looked at me and Brianna ran over to me and hugged my leg.

I picked her up. "Hey sweetie".

"Hi mommy". She hugged my neck.

I saw Kyla sleeping.

"Hey baby". Chris said


Marrying Chris Brown (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now