♡chapter 9♡

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Yugyeom was sprawled out on top of Jinyoung's bed

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Yugyeom was sprawled out on top of Jinyoung's bed.

And Jinyoung.

The night before, Christmas Day, Yugyeom found it very hard to sleep. When he finally did though, he was met with the worst nightmare that he chooses not to talk about at the moment. Unfortunately, the five kitty hybrids were sleeping peacefully, which left one last boy.


The two boys got very close straight from the start and cuddled many times, but Yugyeom was still scared. What if he denied him? What if Jinyoung thought he was babyish for having nightmares? What if the boy laughed at him?

As soon as Yugyeom decided enough was enough and walked out, he let out a shriek.

"Yugyeom-ah are you okay?" Jinyoung right away pampered the younger, holding Yugyeom's arms tightly. He wasn't expecting to see Jinyoung wondering around the halls but managed to meekly nod his head.

"What are you doing out here?" Yugyeom quietly question, feeling shy all of a sudden. He didn't know why but lately, Jinyoung has been making him feel weird. Not a bad weird, a good weird.

A very VERY good weird.

"Aish I couldn't sleep so I was going to get water. Why are you still awake?" Jinyoung never loosened his grip. Of course, Yugyeom didn't mind but the touch made him even more nervous then before.

"I-I uh nevermind it's not important. Good night hyungie!" Yugyeom rushed out, turning away quickly. Jinyoung was one step ahead though and took the youngers hand, pulling him back to hard which caused the two to be very close.

"Tell me." A smirk was now plastered onto the olders face. Jinyoung couldn't deny the feelings that were starting to brew for Yugyeom. Every time he saw the maknae, his heart raced and his stomach was filled with butterflies. He loved the way Yugyeom would get shy when Jinyoung would whisper sweet nothings in his ear or when Jinyoung would brush his hand against his thigh by "accident".

"Jinyoungie I had a nightmare and now I can't sleep. Please let me sleep with you!" Yugyeom let out in one breath. He didn't mean to sound desperate but the thought of sleeping alone after the torturous nightmare terrified him.

Jinyoung wasn't expecting Yugyeom to ask the question and soon found himself blushing. He awkwardly let out a chuckle and interlocked their hands, lightly pulling the younger towards his room.

"Thank you." Yugyeom squeaked out, avoiding Jinyoung's staring. Jinyoung tilted the boys head to face him, making Yugyeom stare directly into Jinyoung's eyes.

"Do I make you nervous?"

"Wha-what? N-"

"Don't lie to me, baby boy."

Yugyeom gulped at the new nickname. He made him excited but yet shy. Not wanting to get scolded by the older, Yugyeom nodded his head and found himself staring at Jinyoung's pretty lips. They looked so kissable at the moment.

"I'm sorry." Jinyoung slid his arm behind Yugyeom and inched his face closer, being able to feel Yugyeom's breath on his lips. He didn't know where he found this much confidence but he went with it anyway, not really caring at the moment.

"I-it's okay, Jin-Jinyoung Hyung." Yugyeom was taken aback. He wanted to just move that one little inch and lock their lips, but Jinyoung left him paralyzed. Jinyoung noticed Yugyeom's eyes flickering down to his lips and smirked, deciding to mess with the younger.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Jinyoung became bold. Quite shameless actually. Yugyeom's breath hitched and widened his eyes, should he just say screw it and say yes?

Slowly but surely, Yugyeom nodded and licked his lips. This action was enough for Jinyoung who crashed his lips down onto Yugyeom's, caressing his neck to deepen the kiss.

Yugyeom let his hands roam the older boys hair, not caring to be gentle. He slightly pulled at the boys brown locks, making him utter a low moan.

"Baby boy I don't think you wanna go there tonight." Jinyoung growled, moving down to his neck and sucking onto his skin lightly. Yugyeom's moans were soft and sweet, until Jinyoung decide to bite down and suck harder onto his sweet spot, making the younger boys moans turn whiney.

It was honestly the cutest thing Jinyoung has ever heard.

After leaving a big hickey that was sure to be dark tomorrow, Jinyoung pulled away and pecked the boys lips, leaving Yugyeom dumbfounded.

How could he go from sweet, to evilly hot, and then back to sweet?

"Let's sleep!" Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Yugyeom's waist and pulled him down, making the younger cuddle into his chest.

"Goodnight Jinyoungie Hyung."

"Goodnight, kitten."

Now here they were, Yugyeom's legs entangled with Jinyoung's and his arms around his neck. Jinyoung woke up ten minutes ago but didn't find the heart to wake up the sleeping boy.

Suddenly, Jinyoung's phone began ringing. Yugyeom began to stir in his sleep and fluttered his eyes open, smiling at the older.

"Are you going to answer that?" Yugyeom weakly questioned, chuckling at Jinyoung's pout.

"Good morning to you too!" Jinyoung huffed and grabbed his phone. He frowned at the caller ID and quickly pressed the decline button, throwing his phone back onto the little table.

"Who was it?"

"No one important, kitten." Jinyoung smiles, placing a sweet kiss onto the youngers lips who kissed back right away. Yugyeom almost found the olders pink lips to be addicting like a drug, it was scary.

•jinyoung & yugyeom fucking kill me omfg

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