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Bria's POV

"The person in third place is....... CHRISTINA GRIMMIE!!!" Carson says to the crowed.

I'm sitting back stage, Christina deserves this, but so do the others. She should've won.

"And the season 6 winner of the voice is..............JOSH KAUFMAN."

Me and Tess join everyone from the top 20 on stage to congratulate Josh, Jake, and Christina.

20 minutes later

"I'm gonna miss you Christina!" I say and hug her.

Everyone is going to their home town because the seasons over. I wish I didn't need to go home, I don't want to leave Christina.

"I'll miss you too Bree Bree" Christina says smirking.

I punched her in the arm jokingly because I don't like being called Bree Bree.

1 month later

I've been home for a month now and Joey is still sleeping.

"Get up you lazy butt!!!!" I yell in his ear.

"Ahhh what!!!!" He yells and falls out of bed.

"Ow!!!!" He yelled again. He's so stupid.

"You're so stupid. Oh and by the way Joey, Christina's coming to visit us later." I say getting up.

"Oh cool, when was the last time you guys talked?" He asked sitting up.

"It's been a while, but she texted me that she'll be here in about 3 hours." I said.

We went out for breakfast for 1 hour then just hangout until Christina showed up.

Christina's POV

I was going to Bria's house today, I convinced Adam to sign her!!! And we're going on tour together. I'm so excited to tell her.

I walked up to the door and knocked. Joey answered it

"Hey Joey!!!!" I yelled and hugged him he hugged back and let me in.

"BRIA!!!!!!" "CHRISTINA!!!!!" We both yelled at the same time and hugged for a while. We all sat down and were joking around and talking.

"Bria I have good news.....I was talking to Adam and I'm going on tour with someone he recently signed!" I said excited

"That's great. Who is it?" She asked happy for me

"Her name is Bria and her last name is Kelly" I said smirking.

"WHAT!?!?!?!!" She yelled and hugged me.

"Yup, I got Adam to sign you and set up this tour." I said smiling at her.

That's great when does it start?" She asked

"3 days from now, so pack up and Joey will be joining us, after 3 weeks of the tour we already talked it out!" I said excited

"Yay!!! I'll go pack" she said and ran to her room.

A/N: hey guys hope you like this, it will get better I just needed to get them on the tour. Next chapter they will be on tour and at the first concert.

Hope you liked it.

VOTE and COMENT 3 for the next chapter ;)

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