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Bria's POV


I was all packed for tour and I got a call from Christina.


"Hey Bree Bree"

"Shut up ya fart head"

"Haha ok, well I called to tell you Kaleigh is joining us on tour"

"Oh that's cool! Ok well I'll see you in like an hour. Bye grim grim"

"Bye Bree Bree"

I hung up and got all my bags to the door.

It's cool that Kaleigh's coming with us, I haven't seen her in so long! I miss her. I still remember the last time we talked


Me and Christina were standing in our hotel room talking.

"Bria, you need to know something." Christina said

"What's up my little grim grim?"

"Bria..... I think I'm in love with you" she said nervously

"Wow..... Christina I don't know what to say...."

"Don't say anything. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry" I said as I moves closer. "I love you too" I whispered in her ear. We both looked into each others eyes, we started kissing.

"Bria Kelly, will you go out with me?"

"Yes, yes I will" I say then kiss her again. I've been waiting so long for this, for her.

*one week later*

Me and Christina were having a little make out time.

"Bria, we need to talk, I love you I really do, but I don't think this is right. It's not good timing with the show and everything. I think we should just be friends for now."

"I know. But I don't wanna lose you Christina, maybe we can just not get too serious. Please Christina!" I begged

"Bria I'm sorry it's for the best. I'll always love you."

The door opens

"Bria can we talk?" Asked Kaleigh.

"Umm, yeah sure. Bye Christina" I said sadly looking at her. I get it, but I'll miss her.

"So, I wanted to tell you, I love you, it's not like a normal crush. This is bigger. I'm IN love with you. I thought I was strait, but I can't take it anymore! I love you Bria Kelly!" She says.

"Wow. Umm, that's.... I just....... I don't know what to do now..." I was so lost right now,

"I know you're dating Christina, but I couldn't keep it in anymore."

"Actually, me and Christina just broke up....." I said sadly

"Then maybe me and you can, ya know, try this out?" She asked hopefully

"I think I can give it a shot." I say smiling.

She gets really happy and kisses me. I kiss back, it's not like Christina but I guess I like her too.

*end flashback*

We dated for a little after that, but then we had a lot of work and haven't talked in a month, I don't think we broke up, but I really don't know. This should be awkward....

*tour bus*

The bus and Christina and Kaleigh finally arrived!

I couldn't wait!!!!

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