Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

No matter how hard she tried, her eyelids felt like they were weighed down by lead. She made several attempts to open them, but each time they remained stubbornly closed. It felt like hours, maybe days—time had become a meaningless concept in this state of limbo. Her consciousness fluctuated between fleeting moments of awareness and the oppressive darkness that engulfed her.

Determined not to succumb to the darkness, Evelyn focused all her energy on a single goal: movement. She zeroed in on her pointer finger, willing it to move. A tingle of sensation spread through it, and, with immense effort, it twitched slightly. It was a small victory, but for Evelyn, it felt monumental. She then directed her attention to her right eye, slowly coaxing it open. Her left eye followed suit, and she was met with a blindingly bright light. She snapped them shut instinctively, the brightness too harsh after the prolonged darkness.

When she dared to open them again, her surroundings began to come into focus. The light was a stark contrast to the darkness she had been immersed in, and the white, sterile environment around her indicated that she was in the hospital wing. Relief mixed with confusion as she slowly turned her head to the side.

Evelyn's heart skipped a beat when she saw Harry in the bed next to hers, sleeping peacefully. The memories of what had happened rushed back with a jolt—Snape, the stone, the dangerous game of chess. She had felt her uncle's presence, a chilling certainty that he was near. Panic surged through her as she thought about the others. Desperately, Evelyn tried to move, but her body felt like lead. Every inch of movement required immense effort, and she let out a frustrated groan. Her voice was barely more than a whisper, but it was enough to make her frustration known.

"Good to see you're awake," a soft voice said. Evelyn turned her head, her eyes meeting Dumbledore's twinkling gaze through his half-moon spectacles. She hadn't noticed him standing there before.

"What—what happened? Is Ron alright? What about the stone? And—" Evelyn's words tumbled out in a rush, her concern evident.

"Relax," Dumbledore said with a soothing smile. "Your friends are safe. The stone has been destroyed, and Voldemort is gone."

Evelyn's brow furrowed in confusion. "But... Mr. Flamel?"

"Yes, Harry had the same concern." Dumbledore's expression grew somber. "Nicholas and I decided it was best to destroy the stone. He will die a very peaceful death, as he wished. Harry fought valiantly and defeated both your uncle and Quirrell."

Evelyn's eyes widened. "It wasn't Snape?" she asked, unable to hide her disbelief.

Dumbledore chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "No, as much as Professor Snape may seem the type to be involved in such affairs, he remains my most trusted colleague. His loyalty and integrity have always been unwavering."

Evelyn crinkled her nose again, still grappling with the revelations. "Then... what about everything else? The way he acted..."

"The appearance of things can often be deceiving," Dumbledore said gently. "Professor Snape's actions were part of a larger, complex plan. His motivations were driven by deep and personal reasons, which were not always clear from the outside. His role was instrumental in protecting the stone and ensuring its destruction."

Evelyn absorbed his words slowly, her mind racing to piece together the puzzle. "Sir... why did I faint?" Evelyn asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

Dumbledore sighed deeply, a look of hesitation crossing his face. "That takes a very long and complicated explanation... one that might be more appropriate for when you're older," he said gently.

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