Drinny: the draco and ginny story chapter 1

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(Chapter 1)

You know the love between one Harry potter and ginny weasley it may come as a surprise to you but ginnys heart belongs to one Draco Malfoy but of course neither family's would agree to this so it has to be a forbidden love, this is why you have not heard of this until now.

-ginny POV-

I don't know what it is about him, I can see him sitting on the rival house table his dark eyes as cold as his heart glared around the great hall until they stopped on Harry's face. I knew they hated each other Ron had told me so but his good looks and beautiful blond hair just took over and I was amazed at how great he looked peering over all the food on the table at crabbe and goyle, probably about his hate for muggle borns which everyone knows about. I think Ron has caught me staring at him as he is coming over I can't get into trouble from any of my brothers on my first day.

-Draco POV-

Who is that girl I asked crabbe and goyle, I'm guessing she's a weasley as she has the bright ginger hair but her beauty just took over I don't know what it is about her but my eyes were drawn to her the second I saw her waiting to be sorted into a house. I was secretly hoping that she would be sorted into slytherin so I could get to know her but following the weasley charm she was put into gryffindor just my look the one girl I've ever liked in the rival house. This means that potter can get her I saw him eying her up and it's his best mates sister he has a way better chance better start on how to make a move on her.

-Ron POV-

"Harry did you see Ginny at the feast eying up Malfoy, what is she thinking she knows he is a slytherin and one of the worst" shouted Ron as hermione entered the common room
"It's his good looks every single one of the first years are talking about him, it doesn't mean anything just a stupid school girl crush that will last a few days, everyone gets them"
"So what your saying we shouldn't worry about Rons sister having a..."
Harry was interrupted by Fred and George running in
"What's that about our sister potter"
"She has a crush on DRACO" Ron stated, their faces dropped in surprise
"GINNY" shouted Fred at the top of his lungs "GET HERE NOW!!!!!!"
Ginny came leaping down the stairs and nearly fell over Harry who was sitting at the bottom
"What Fred, why are you all here, I'm trying to mix with the girls in my room"
"Just wanted to welcome you to gryffindor and say well done and hope you are happy here, right guys" hermione said
"Yeah thanks can I go now"

-Ginny POV-
"What was that about?" Asked milly (a girl in her room) as ginny arrived back
"Just wanted to welcome me"
"Anyway" liz (the third in the room) added "how gorgeous is Draco"
"He's perfect but Ron says he hates muggle borns and hermione is one and Ron likes her, he would kill me if he ever found out I liked him" sighed Ginny.
Everyone seems to like Draco he will never notice me with all of these girls who are smarter and prettier than me, and I think he just goes for slytherins cause if he was ever caught with me or any other gryffindor girl he would be shunned by his whole house.

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