Drinny: the draco and ginny story chapter 2

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(Chapter 2)

After her first night at hogwarts Ginny feels settled with her brothers and her new friends.

-Ginny POV-

My first class is potions with the slytherins I have heard that they will cause trouble in any class and blame it on another house especially if it is gryffindor but if I get in trouble in my first lesson mom and dad will be so annoyed I can't be getting a howler this soon it will be so embarrassing especially this close to the start of term I would never live it down, everyone laughed at Ron when he received his.

-Draco POV-

The first years have potions with gryffindor I wonder if ginny is in that class I hope so cause I am showing the first years around and I would love to see her even if she is ion the rival house and relented to that Ron.... No one can find out or I will be killed especially if father finds out he hates the weasley family.

At the ends of potions class Draco comes to show the first years to their next class and spots ginny packing her things away and goes over and offers to help her

"Can I help you so we can get out of here a bit quicker?" Asked Malfoy

" a helpful slytherin, I've haven't been told about you, is this some sort of trick to get me into trouble?" Replied ginny

"Why would I get a beautiful first year like you into trouble I might be know as bad but I do have a soft side just not many people get to see it only the really lucky ones I guess"

When they finished packing ginnys things away they walked out go the class and fought up with the others

"Take a right and go up to the second floor" ordered Malfoy to the first years as he turned round he noticed ginny was not with them and went looking for her. He found her out on the steps to the entrance.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

Ginny turned and looked at him

"Just waiting for Ron, Harry and hermione to get back from their last class, we always meet here to walk up to the tower together, what about you"

"I came to look for you"

Just then Ron came out of the doors

"Why are you with my sister Malfoy get away from her" he shouted in dracos face

"Ron don't worry he's my friend" said ginny smiling while looking at Draco, he smiled back and went a bright shade of red before running off.

-Ginny POV-

I can't believe how red he went before he left just because I said we were friends, he seems cool I know I shouldn't be talking to him but I can't help it. I think he might like me back or why would he have left everyone to come and find me after potions and help me pack up after class, I have never heard any story where he has been helpful, and I've heard a lot of story's over the summer about him.

-Draco POV-

She said we were friend she seems really nice nothing like any of her brothers, she doesn't seem to care that I'm a slytherin. Maybe she likes me back I need someone to investigate and find out if she does or not. Oh crap that's crabbe and goyle they can't find my journal or the whole school will know.

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