Drinny: the draco and ginny story chapter 3

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(Chapter 3)

-Ginny POV-

Well that my first week over and it has been amazing I have loved it and I have mad a load of new friends, last night Draco caught up with me after dinner and asked me to meet him on the front step at 12 today I wonder what he wants to see me alone for. I'm going to have to wear something nice and make and effort for him I just hope he actually likes me back or I will look like a right idiot .

-Draco POV-

It's finally Saturday I'm meeting her alone today then going to the edge of the grounds for a romantic picnic to show her how I feel about her I hope she actually turns up and likes everything that I have prepared. I'm going to have to get dressed and make sure I look nice or she won't like me.

As time passes both ginny and Draco are trying out different outfits and getting opinions about how they look from others in their houses as 12 was slowly creating up on them they left to meet up at the steps.

-Ron POV-

Why is ginny dressed up like that she never makes and effort on weekend usually just wears jeans not a skirt what has got into her and where is she even going, she better not be getting into trouble I better not mention this to anyone or they will get worried.

-Draco POV-

She looks lovely she has really made an effort,

"Hi beautiful" says Draco as he walks over to ginny

"Hiya, you look nice" replied Ginny

"I can't look half as good as you" he said

As they walk over to the edge of the grounds ginny still has no idea what is going on and is getting more worried by the second as they get further away from the school and closer to the forbidden Forrest.

-Ginny POV-

He wouldn't get me into trouble would he, but why are we walking towards the Forrest students aren't allowed in their and he knows that. He has. Massive back pack I wonder what's in there.

"Where are we actually going and what are we doing out this far?"

"Well I have planned a romantic picnic for us but I thought because of your brothers you wouldn't want get caught or you would get into trouble" said Draco

"You are so thoughtful I can't wait"

I leaned in and pecked him on the cheek and warped my arms around him

-Draco POV-

She has just hugged me and kissed me on the cheek does this mean that she actually likes me I hope so or was it just a friendly kiss I have heard of stories of girls kissing and hugging their friends. I start to lay out the blanket and the food as we sit down we start talking about our family's and school work. We have been out here for about three hours now I think it's about time to go back or people will be wondering where we are.

"We better go before people start to get worried and come looking for us"

"Okay well this has been the best day I have had at this school I loved it, thank you" said ginny I'm pretty sure she likes me.

-Ginny POV-

Today has been amazing spending the full day with Draco and that picnic that he prepared was amazing he had all of my favourite things, he is actually one of the nicest people I've ever met I dont see why people don't like him he's perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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