Comic Convention

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Clara's woken bright and early Saturday morning by Rose jumping on her bed. She checks the time on her phone and groans.

"Rose, it's 6 am."

"The doors open at 10 am. I want to get there early so we can be one of the first people in line to scope out where Marshall Fox will be set up and look around before we actually have to be in line to get his autograph. And remember how long it took to do our hair and makeup on Halloween?"

"We don't need to worry about my hair and makeup. Yours shouldn't take that long to do. Wake me up in an hour and we can do it then," Clara says, trying to go back to sleep.

Rose rips the blanket off the bed. "You're dressing up."

"No, I'm not," Clara says, snatching the blanket back.

"Yes, you are. You are never going to have a chance to wear that dress again. This is the perfect time! How many times are you going to get the chance to meet Marshall Fox?" Clara guiltily turns to Rose, who still doesn't know. "I'll feel stupid if I'm dressed up and you're not. Please, Clara."

"Plenty of people are going to be dressed up as super heroes. You know what they won't be dressed up as? Victorian ladies."

"Put that dress is almost an exact copy of the party dress in that movie. Three people at the convention will know who you're dressed as: you, me, and Marshall Fox. Maybe he'll like it so much he'll want to have his picture taken with us!"

Clara caves. She rolls out of bed, heads for her closet to pull out the dress and black cloak she wore for Halloween, and lays the garments on the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower. Get everything ready and I'll do your makeup after I get out."

After the shower, Clara comes back to her room. Rose has set up the makeup out on the desk and pulled her own desk chair into the room. Rose comes in a moment later dressed in her costume. They each take a chair to get started. Rose holds up her phone, displaying a photo of Alexandra Warren in The Sorceress makeup, for Clara to use as reference. Clara takes extra care this time to get the look as close to possible and it takes longer than it should have. The effort is worth it when Rose sees the end result.

It's Clara's turn now. She has Rose do her hair first, knowing it will take the longest. Her hair has to be dried, curled, and pinned up. Rose mastered the up-do right before Halloween after all the practice they did. Even with Rose working quickly, they have only 30 minutes to leave the house by the time Rose wanted.

The hair is finally done. Clara quickly applies some light makeup before getting dressed in record time. During that time, Rose has gotten their bags and doubled checked that their tickets are safely tucked away in Clara's purse. They hug their dad bye and they are off to Comic Convention and the handsome Marshall Fox.

Marshall and his co-stars sneak are ushered into the back of the Convention Center. Driving to the back entrance, he could see the line of fans stretching from the doors back into the parking lot. Is she in line? Will she show up for one of his panels or sessions?

"Don't worry, dude. She'll show up. Maybe she'll be wearing one of those tight little jumpsuits the S.H.I.E.L.D. wears in the movies."

"Yeah, maybe," he says but hopes that the beautiful woman he met in the supermarket wouldn't be one of those girls.

An event coordinator shows them to a green room stocked with drinks and snacks. The coordinator lets them get some food and settle before explaining today's itinerary. Marshall grabs a water and takes a chair in the back corner. He stops listening after he hears the time for the first panel. After that, they'll tell him where to go and when. Checking his watch, he still had an hour before the panel.

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