Chapter 2: Smii7y

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(I broke my drawing tablet so art is gonna be crappy done on my phome xD Also this chapter will be bad because its 20 to 2am and I have yet to sleep heeeeeeh and on my phone xD, plus art will be late for this chapted cuz it takes forever, also there is swearing that will happen in chapters, and I actually finished it yaaaay)

A sigh escaped my lips, smoke following afterwards. I knew it was an unhealthy addiction, but it was something I couldn't live without, one of the things. My brain drifted back a little bit. John keeps going into wierd moods and... Its not healthy, he keeps sitting quiet and thinking for hours. No one knows when it started and it seems to be only when he's alone.

Quiet creaking caught my attention, turning around to see John at my doorway. His eyes were red and puffy, cheeks rosy. I could see the faint marks of where his tears had been. Silently, I put the end of the cigarette out in my ash tray, getting up and walking to John. Recently, he has been going into my room really late because he couldnt sleep, but he always looked like he was crying. Wrapping my arms around him gently, I pulled him to the bed. He resides in me for comfort a lot, and I dont mind giving it to him. Usually, he goes to his vape but he's opening up more towards me.

Laying in the bed, I felt John curling into my side. Quietly, I looked at him, curious to what is going through his brain. He's a lot quieter than he usually is, and a lot less energetic. Keeping my arms around him, I saw his ocean eyes flicked and look into my mis-matched eyes. His eyes were duller, like he had given up, losing the lively spark on them. My brows  furrowed, annoyed that he  still doesnt tell me anything and leaves me wondering all the time.

He stayed close, not wanting to let go of me it seemed. A quiet buzz of a message made me glance to my phone, though it wasnt my phone. Glancing back, I saw John make no effort to get his phone, which was filling up with notifications. A sigh escaped his lips, not wanting to bother with the phone. "Why's your phone going off a lot?" I was confused to why it was, and curiousity took my thoughts. "Group chat..." He mumbled, slightly muffled from being so close to to me. He reached out, handing me his phone so I could take a look. Unlocking his phone, I saw a spam rush of messages pop up instantly, so I clicked onto the chat, quickly scrolling up.


Penguin: Who here has/wants pets

Weldkat: Kino is mjne!

HOOdini: *mine, also I own a fish

PureAngel; I'm like the crazy cat man

ButtsexOhm: I have Buddy

Vapeboi: A cat would be nice..

Guck Farret: Wow John wanting a pet, you'd vape it to its death

Vapeboi; Fuck off you cuck

Golden: Wow John has feelings

Guck Farret: Yeah you always sound so depressed

Vapeboi: Maybe I fucking am, its none of your business fucker

Muini: Wait John you're depressed?


Golden: John?

Penguin: John???

Guck Farret: Vape Lord??

Muini: John!

Basically: The fuck happened here?

Weldkat: That was pretty rude of you two, Goldie and Garret

Guck Farret: How were we suppost to know??

JD: Maybe you should hear what he's like and take that in

HOOdini: Now who knows how John is feeling?

Muini: He lives with Smii7y right, who can message him??

JD: I didnt get his name on here

Penguin; ADDING HIM!

Penguin added 'Milkboi' to "What Is This Chat"

Hearing my phone go off, I gave John his phone back and picking my own up. John just stayed close to me, eyes glossy and darkened. He was deep in thought.

Muini: Smii7y! Smii7y is John okay?!?!

Weldkat; Yeah is he okay?

H20: Or can you check and make sure hes okay?

Milkboi: First few words, Goldie and Garret that was rude

Milkboi: Second, John entered my room in one of his dazes and is next to me right now and fine

Guck Farret; Thank lord

Golden: We disnr mean to upset him

HOOdini: *Didnt, and its good to know hes okay

Muini: Did you know that he's depressed?

Milkboi: Never known

VapeBoi: Because its personal..

Muini: John!

Golden: John! We're sorry!

Guck Farret: We sidnt mesn to!

HOOdini: *Didnt *Mean

Milkboi: John why are you on your phone?

Vapeboi: Notifications are bugging me, so can everyone chill on spam so people can sleep

Muini: Sorry John

Milkboi: Sorry Jahn

Weldkat: Sirry

Hoodini: *Sorry

Weldkat: Fuck you Evan

I switched my phone off, looking over to John as he did the same thing, his exhaustion obvious in his eyes. We both climbed under the covers, no homo I swear, not bothering to move much. Exhaustion soon hit us, taking us into darkness.

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