Chapter 29: A city in chaos

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Lily groaned and grabbed her sword. "What kind of wake-up call is a bunch of dwarves?" she demanded. "It's a very effective one," Tara said. Snatching up her loudspeaker, Lily rushed out of her room and ran down the hallway.

Elves were running all over the place, screaming and basically making everything much harder for everyone else to save the world. Jake ran over. He had gotten a new sword. Judging from the cuts on his hands he had already joined the fight. Lily yelled into her loudspeaker, "STACY, WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED YOU! OW - EVERYBODY, WILL YOU JUST STOP MOVING FOR ONE SECOND?" as elves jostled her and nearly knocked her over. The dwarves screamed obscenities and shook their weapons, terrorizing hysterical citizens. "Dang it! Freaking stupid crappy-" Jake yelled as he ran into the chaos. "Language, people!" Stacy appeared behind Tara. "Okay, now hopefully we're ready to fight. Right, guys?" Tara said. "I suck at fighting," Stacy whined. "Nonsense, everybody can fight," Tara chided, "now, come on!"

Lily knocked the first dwarf out with a well-aimed punch as the others jumped into action. Suddenly a group of about one hundred dwarves raised their swords and charged straight at them.

As if they weren't already occupied and outnumbered already. Lily brought up her own sword.

Watching Jake fight with his sword probably saved Lily's life. She barely managed to defend herself with the sword techniques that Jake used. The best offense maneuver she could do was cut the blade off a dwarf's sword, which worked well enough. Jake shouted, "Take that! And that! And-oh, run away, already!" as he hacked away with his own sword. Lily feared that it wouldn't be long before the dwarves put forward the more dangerous weapons into the battle. "Tara, Stacy, evacuate the elves!" she yelled. She tossed Tara her loudspeaker and ducked to avoid a jumping dwarf with a club. Tara rolled and smashed the loudspeaker - which thankfully didn't break - over a dwarf's head before ordering the elves to evacuate. Stacy had vanished somewhere else among the crowd. A very fat and small dwarf waddled towards Lily with a small blade in his hands. Lily kicked him over and yelled in pain. The dwarf felt like a bag of cement - heavy and very painful to kick.

"Lily, get some more weapons!" Tara said. Lily dodged another jumping dwarf and ran for the armory, pushing her way through elves and dwarves with her sword in its sheath. She grabbed a dagger for herself, a sword for Tara, and a dart gun for Stacy. Lily also snatched up a bag of ultra-explosive grenades. Throwing the sword to Tara, she ran outside the northern tower, where two thousand more dwarves awaited her. "Hey, Jake, catch!" she yelled. She dug a grenade out of the bag and lobbed it at Jake, who promptly caught it, pressed the detonation button, and batted it away with his sword, baseball style. The grenade sailed right into the middle of the dwarves and exploded.

BOOM! Dwarves flew everywhere. Ten dwarves crashed into Jake, who fell over. Lily drew both of her blades and started fighting the remaining dwarf crowd. Turns out, she wasn't too bad with the dagger. It worked wonderfully if she used the dagger to block attacks and her sword to attack. The Alpha 201 appeared above in the sky. Lily could see Stacy sitting inside the cockpit. A ladder dropped and Lily grabbed one rung, holding on tight as the ladder retracted into the spaceship. "Welcome aboard the Alpha 201," Stacy announced. "I got you this," Lily said. She handed Stacy the dart gun. Stacy pressed a button on the piloting console and part of the front windshield slid back. "Open the window and chuck a few grenades out for me," Stacy said. Lily yanked open the side window and began dropping grenades on the dwarves' heads as the aircraft rose higher into the sky.

Various weapons sailed through the open window, forcing Lily to duck. Stacy let go of the driving wheel with one hand and raised the dart gun. Lily shrieked and slammed the window shut as a dwarf's grenade exploded against the glass.

Bang! "What the crap was that?" Lily said.

There was an empty grenade shell lodged in one of the now-damaged engines, sparking and sizzling. Stupid dwarves. Lily was thrown across the spaceship as it tilted crazily. The other engine exploded as a fragment of the grenade shell flew into it. Stacy's dart gun slid across the piloting console and flew out of the open windshield. "Abort the Alpha 201. I repeat, abort the Alpha 201," Stacy said over the intercom. She steered the aircraft to the left as it tumbled towards the ground. Unbuckling their seatbelts, Stacy and Lily jumped out of the aircraft as it nose-dived into the ground with a BANG and a giant fireball. A whole platoon of dwarves was crushed under the ten tons of flaming spaceship.

Lily and Stacy got totheir feet and pushed their way through the dwarves. Tara ran up to them. "Wasthat your spaceship?" she asked accusingly at Stacy. "Yep," Lily and Stacy saidin unison. "Well, we've got no time to lose." Jake appeared behind Tara. "I'vefound a tunnel close to the dwarves."

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