Le Premier Acte + El Primer Acto

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The First Act

+The Roman theatre was the first to divide plays into a number of acts separated by intervals. Acts may be further divided into scenes; in classical theater each regrouping between entrances and exits of actors is a scene, while later use describes a change of setting.+

+Acts and scenes. An act is a part of a play defined by elements such as rising action, climax and resolution. A scene is a part of an act defined with the changing of characters.+

+Act structure explains how a plot of a film story is composed. ... Act is the broadest structural unit of enacted stories. The most common paradigm in theatre, and so in films, is that of the three-act structure proposed by Aristotle. Simply put, it means that any story has a beginning, a middle and an end.+

+An act is very long because it is a collection of different scenes that flow together and establishes a major part of the story. Since the acts are very long, there are allotted breaks or intermissions between acts. ... It is usually a few minutes long (depending on the dialogue and action) compared to a whole act.+


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