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"Tokoyami Fumikage, you've ranked last in class for 3 tests straight. In addition to that, you are the only student in class who failed the mid-term exams. You bring shame and dishonor to class 1-A and U.A Highschool. Thus, you shall be expelled,"

Failed? Shame? Expelled? What the heck was Aizawa-sensei talking about? Since when did I fail so many tests?

"But Sensei-"

"No buts. Your parents have already been informed of this issue. Today's your last day here, say goodbye to all your friends,"

My parents?

I shuddered at the thought of them. When I was accepted into U.A, they were so proud. The smiles on their faces that day were priceless. After getting the news about my expulsion, they must have been devastated.

And my friends? Oh wait, I didn't have any. Sure, I had acquaintances like Midoriya, Kirishima, Shouji and a few more but they were no where close to friends. The only true friend I had in life was Dark Shadow, who at the same time could be my worst enemy.

I could pretty much hear my parents' disappointed voices and harsh scoldings already.



"You don't belong in this family,"


"You bring shame to us,"

Shut up.

"What a disappointment,"


"-kage, Fumikage, dude wake up,"

The next thing I knew, I was lying on the couch with my brother shaking the life out of me.

"Thank god you woke up. For a moment I thought that you became Sleeping Beauty," He chuckled.

"Nightmare," I said abruptly. Damn it. I shouldn't have told him that.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Um... Nah... It's a stupid one. You know, the one where a pink fluffy unicorn tries to drag me into the world of sunshine and rainbows,"

Thankfully, he actually believed me and dropped the subject.

"Pfft... You actually dreamt about that?" Dark Shadow teased. I was taken aback by his sudden appearance but just rolled my eyes instead.

Nightmares have been a common occurrence for me ever since I was young, probably because of my quirk. For whatever reason, no matter how bad the nightmares got, I never spoke in my sleep. Because of that, nobody except for Dark Shadow knew.

I got off the couch and dragged my feet to the dining room, still half-asleep. Haruka was already there and the food was all set on the table.

"Ah... Sorry, I was supposed to help you to set the table," I apologised. Masato just smiled and shook his head.

I was about to sit down when Haruka suddenly passed an opaque container to me. "Fumikage~ I made some food specially for you to try. I've been taking cooking lessons recently so I hope it tastes good~" She said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

Something feels off. She's never this nice to me. Or anyone.

I gingerly received the container from her, half-expecting a frog to jump out of it. Initially, I was a bit hesitant to open it but the curious stare from Masato pressured me to do so.

There's no harm in opening it...

I carefully removed the lid and took a peek inside. However, at the sight of it's contents, my eyes widened. No. It felt as if my heart had stopped beating for a second.

Why? Of all things, why worms?

Masato, who had recovered from the shock before me, immediately started yelling.

"Haruka what the hell?!"

"Is something wrong? I read somewhere online that all birds like worms..." She explained very 'innocently'.

Oh, so that was her objective.

"Are you serious?!" He continued, smacking the container onto the ground. The worms started crawling out and they were still covered in dirt.

"What are you talking about? Birds should eat proper bird food and don't do that! My boyfriend helped me to catch those worms," Haruka fired back.

"Fumikage is not a bird!"

She scoffed before replying, "Yeah sure... Go take one good look at him and then tell me if he's a bird or not,"

"Look, I know I have a bird head. But I eat normal food too, not worms," I calmly explained.

"Oh really? Well, sorry. You look like a bird to me. Maybe we should release you into the wild, I think you'll be happier there,"

You did not just say that.

"Sorry, but I prefer living the normal life, like how I grew up,"

Haruka clenched her fist and lost it completely. She was yelling and screeching about everything under the sun.

"Onee-san calm down!"

"I don't listen to birds!"

Excuse me you literally just responded to what I said.

I looked over at Masato for support but he said nothing and just continued glaring at her.

"That's right... You belong in the wild,"

At that moment, everything just got too much to handle. The User1589, the nightmare, the worms, everything.

I can't take it anymore. I want to be alone.

"Excuse me, I'm going to get some fresh air outside. Alone. I'm not hungry anymore." I muttered before putting on my shoes and heading towards the door.

"It's late already! It's danger-" But before Masato could finish, I slammed the door in his face. I felt a pang of guilt for he had done nothing wrong to me. Instead, it was the opposite. He was an amazing person, really. I just did not want to see or talk to anyone.

By the time I got to the park, it was already 8.30 p.m. and obviously, nobody else was around. I thought it would be best not to let Dark Shadow out as I wanted to be alone and it was night time.

All of the benches were unoccupied so I went over to the one nesrest to the pond to collect my thoughts. The day's events were just too overwhelming.

Who is this User1589? Why do Kirishima's friends hate me so much? Why does Haruka hate me too? Why was I born with a bird head?

I don't belong anywhere. Not at home, not in class 1-A, not on Earth. Then why was I born? What is the purpose of my existence? Is it only to give out carbon dioxide for the plants?

Just then, my phone lit up and started vibrating as my ringtone played, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sighed and looked at the caller ID: Masato.

Declining the call, I decided to just text him to let him know where I was and that I would be back at around 10.

Don't want him to get into trouble with Father.

I was about to send the message when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Tokoyami, what are you doing here?"


"For the last time, call me Tsu!"


1. I need to write longer chapters, I know T_T

2. Happy Early Birthday Uraraka! (27 December)

3. I changed the prologue, title and ship

4. Sorry for the short chapter :(

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