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Another week went by and Merida hadn't turned up.
Jamison thought it would be a good time to check on his son, since he hadn't seen Higgs since the new month. He had also gotten letters from Margaret in concern for him and so he decided to take a small trip up the hill to check on him. The weather was on the tumble for the day, not really knowing whether it wanted to rain or shine, and Jamison finally made it up the hill to Higgs' manor. He knocked on the door and was surprised to find that Boston was there.
"Where's Merida?" he asked.
"That is the question of the month, I believe." He said, letting Jamison walk in.
Jamison made a face. "What do you mean?"
"She's gone missing... or so we're hoping."
"Where is my son?" Jamison growled.
"He's in the forest behind the mansion, scouring every inch of the trees to try and find her. He's been looking for days. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but... it's possible she may have left for good this time."
Jamison clenched his fist and left out the back door to go and find his son.

Higgs tripped again on level ground and he cursed out loud. He knew he should have eaten something before he left and he knew he should have brought something with him as well, but the month was going by and Merida was nowhere to be found. She had promised to help him get better about his fears and controlling them; how to harness them and use them for strength instead of cowering behind them. He needed her... He needed her.
Higgs turned and was disappointed to see his father.
"Father..." he said, finally getting up from the ground. "How did you know I was out here?"
"I met Boston at the house... What are you doing out here?"
"I'm looking for Merida, obviously." He snapped, brushing the dirt from his pants.
Jamison tried to figure out a way to ask his son delicately about the maid but he found that it was hard not to throw the Scot under the carriage.
"Son, don't you think it's time you realized that maybe... maybe she ran off?"
"No!" he yelled, glaring at his father. "Merida promised me that she would never leave no matter what!"
"There are others who have made the same promises, Higgs."
"They were not as sincere as the one Merida did. There's something wrong... There has to be..."
He collapsed to the ground and Jamison walked over to him, squatting beside him.
"Higgs, you're exhausted and I'm sure you haven't eaten. What month is this for you?"
"Then you're definitely weak if you haven't eaten. Let's go back up to the house-"
"I have to find Merida!" he yelled, moving his arm away from Jamison's reach. "Please... please, I have to find her..."
"Well you can't very well bloody find her if you can't even stand, now can you?" Higgs didn't say anything and Jamison grabbed a hold of his arm, pulling him up. "Come on. We will look for Ms. Dunbrough once you've eaten and rested. When was the last time you slept?"
"I don't know or care..." he mumbled.
Jamison rolled his eyes and took Higgs back up to the manor.

Jamison came back downstairs and went into the kitchen, where Boston looked like he was trying to mix something together.
"I'm not exactly good at this kitchen thing... I believe I made tea. I wouldn't be surprised if it was as strong as an ox." Boston said sheepishly, bringing the brew to the small table in the kitchen.
Jamison nodded a little and sat down as Boston put the pot on the table. Jamison began to pour and had to feel sorry for the lad because it looked as black as night. He'd drink it... with effort.
"Did you get him to go to sleep?"
"I slipped a sleeping draught in his drink, so yes."
"He's been distraught beyond what I've seen him. I mean, I know the way he acted when he was stabbed and the paranoia he had but this is different. This is just... sad... Lord Northumberly, we have to find Merida. I don't want to believe that she left him on purpose."
"Do you think she didn't? What could possibly explain her disappearance?"
"Well, Lord Clarvins was very upset with the fact that the judge only sentenced her to one day in prison while he was 'disfigured and humiliated in front of millions of people'... or, well, those were his words; but I heard them firsthand when I was at the tavern. He's painting Ms. Dunbrough to be quite the savage Highlander of old."
"In all honesty, can you blame the man? The woman is like a wild tiger half the time."
Boston chuckled. "That's true... the point being, though, is that Lord Clarvins was not happy with what was given to her for her punishment. He wanted to kill her then... what's to say that he wouldn't try to kill her now?"
Jamison made a face but he saw how Boston's theory was starting to unfold. If Patrick was so angry about what had happened during the mini-trial in the cell, his pride and vanity would probably drive him to go farther.
"Do you really think he'd stoop down to that level and kidnap the girl?"
"He stabbed your son with no real motive but speculation in front of the most of the gentry." Boston reminded him.
Jamison nodded. "Are you going to stay here?"
"I figured it would be the best... considering I'm coming to grips with this whole curse thing." He said with a sheepish shrug of his shoulders. "Besides, I thought leaving him alone would do greater harm than good."
"Good, I'm glad you're thinking the same way I am. I'm going to send a couple of my servants up here so that Higgs can have a proper meal and proper tea time." Boston blushed. "Sorry, lad, but you're no cook. Anyway, usually he'd just go down to Margaret's but even that will probably be a hassle for him."
Boston nodded and they talked a little more about the potential whereabouts for Merida and then Jamison left.
As he walked down the hill he looked up at the sky, staring at the moon. He wondered where in the world she could have gone and wondered if she realized the value Higgs placed upon her. He was going to go back home but he decided to stay at his wife's home instead. This was the first time in a while that he had seen Margaret and Fuschia so much over a period of time. He sincerely hoped Merida hadn't left because she seemed to have gotten him closer to his family more than he had ever been before.

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now