A New Friend

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So I'm thinking about writing a Shawn Mendes fanfic should I ?

*katy's p.o.v*

I talk to Taylor the whole ride to Panama City where this MAGCON is being held. we decide to go to Dunkin Donuts to get some donuts and coffee. "so tell me about yourself." Taylor says.

"Well I lived in Georgia for my whole life up until now. I have an older brother named Ross who is 17. I moved to North Carolina for my dad's job well that's about it." I replied.

"Wow that's cool. I actually don't live in North Carolina I just came there to visit some of my friends." taylor said.

"God I'm so stupid I have to go oh my goodness Em must me looking for me everywhere!" I squeeled. I say my goodbyes and we exchange numbers I run out of the building calling Emily then she picks up. "KATY WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!!" We'll I deserve that I guess. "I am at Dunkin doughnuts I will drive back to the airport to get u I'm so sorry Em!" she laughs "hell yeah you will come get me." Now it's my turn to laugh "I will be there in like..." I look at my map "about 15 minutes" she mumbles a Mhhhmm and hangs up. I roll my eyes and get into my rental car and drive to the airport.

**fifteen minutes later**

"There you are I have been waiting!" Em ran up to me and said. "well I have a good reason to have left." she rolls her eyes and says "oh yeah what is that?" "we'll you promise you won't scream or yell?" I say. "yeah yeah, now tell me!" "Well on the plane my 'partner' so to speak who sat next to me was.... well Taylor Caniff and he wanted to get coffee with me so we went and I got his number!!" she looks at me with wide eyes. "your lying!" I showed her his contact ' 💖the baee Taylor💖' is what he put it in as. She smirks at me "call him then." I laugh and say okay. I pick my phone and call him "Oh hey Taylor...."

I know this is short and I know this sucks but please hang in there it should get better and u should so follow me on Instagram @mendsides_cutie and if you read this can u comment and tell me thing u like about this story and what I can do better please

But i just met you (taylor caniff)Where stories live. Discover now