9: Truth...

978 55 7

My once average life has become this crazy adventure with Liam. Here I am, standing at the edge of the cliff wondering what my next move should be. I’m tired of being scared…so might as well get it over with. I took a deep breath and jumped.

The millisecond of free fall was all I needed…I waited for the cold water hit me, washing away the past, leaving me open to this new crazy life. I’m still scarred but now I have Liam. We can be scarred together, that’s how we want it.

You must be wondering what just happened, no I am not jumping to my death, even though it felt like it. Liam had somehow convinced me that it was a good idea to go cliff diving with him, call me a pushover but I simply couldn’t say no to a pouting Liam.

The beauty of the tall cliff was amazing, it’s earthy rocks stuck out in every direction, creating a dangerous feel to it. But somehow the mixture of green and orange plants growing down it made it so appealing, the cliff was bursting with life, it shone under the sun revealing its beauty, and the blue water only made it more exhilarating.

I couldn’t wait to feel that dark blue embrace me so here I am. Flying. The water felt cold against my skin sending chills and electricity throughout my body. I couldn’t avoid the smile which formed on my face.

After what felt like an eternity underwater, I kicked my legs and rose to the surface. Ripples spread through the entire pool of water.

My eyes trailed up the enormous cliff I had just jumped off, I spot Liam at the edge; I swear I could see him grinning. Without any hesitation Liam jumped off. His arms and legs were spread out like a star, I gasped when he spun around in midair, and in just a split second he managed to dive feet first into the water.

I patiently waited for Liam to resurface with a smile on his face, but there was no sign of him...oh God no! Liam was probably dead! He hit his head on a rock and died. I need to find him, I’m a good swimmer. My mom insisted on trying my athletic skills, at the age of five she sent me to my first class. Honestly I hated it, but after quitting and trying on my own, I learnt that if you didn’t have a scary man pushing you under water every minute swimming can be fun.

I mentally slapped myself for getting so easily distracted. I felt something touch my foot, and it hit me. That stupid boy was tricking me. I smiled to myself and started to splash around as if I was in full blown panic mode.

“Liam! Oh my God, Liam!” I hid my laughter like a true actress.

After a few second of calling out his name Liam popped his head out and smiled, but the adorable smile quickly faded when I started to fake cry.

“Liam…” I whimpered. Oh, come on! How could he be buying this? Liam quickly swam over to me, he was breathing heavily, and his face was scrunched up.

“Shit!” He muttered whilst pulling my hands off of my face. I couldn’t hold in the laughter. I started to laugh my head off.

Not because of the fact that Liam looked as if he wanted to punch himself, I was laughing because my life with Liam was filled with clichés, I always hated clichés…but they were fun with Liam.

“What the hell!” He yelled with a sly smile plastered on his face.

“You were the one who scared me!” I yelled back.

I tried to ignore the clichés of the afternoon and have fun, honestly I did. Liam and I went back home, the ride on his death machine was amazing, like always, and when I fell back on the apartments couch I swear this day couldn’t get any better.

I was silently flipping through the TV channels when I heard a knock at the front door.

“I’ll get it” I yelled.

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