The Beginning

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The screams of the Lake family were mocked by the rest of the village of White Oak. "This is the will of god" yelled the village leader Smith to the crowd. Some people cheered others cried for the young twelve year old girl whose arms were tied loosely with rope, and who's left leg was chained to a cinder block. "Lily" her father screamed from where he and her mother were tied to stakes, surrounded by logs of oak wood. The young girl shuddered but couldn't  bring herself to look at her father. "Lily, so I'm sorry" Emily cried out to her as they passed. Lily used to consider Emily to be her best friend, but sadly she was Smith's daughter after all. Lily looked at Emily with a sad smile on her face, and mouthed slowly and clearly (Don't worry I don't hate you Emily) at that Emily fell sobbing to her knees. Then Lily locked eyes with Emily's other brother Timothy. He smiled evil at her and mouthed (I hope you die painfully.) Anger filled her so she yelled "Oh ya I curse you, and the generations after to die with twice as much pain, and four times slo..." Lily's words halted because one of Smith's men slapped Lily so hard her sight blurred with tears. A smile creep across her face due to the look of horror Lily saw when she looked back at Timothy . Lily's smile widened as she thought the slight throbbing pain from her her head was the worth driving fear into at least one of the people who were the reason her family and her where going to die today. The two men continued to drag her to the end of the cliff until they stood beside Smith. He glared at Lily then turned to the crowd, and yelled "This family is condemned to death because they side with the devil." Most of crowd gasped, then they booed, and yelled for them to be killed. Smith smiled, and went on "Yes that's right they will die today because they are worship the devil" He turned to face Lily's father "I'm a kind man so I gonna give you a choice my former brother, do you want your daughter to go to hell first or would you like for her to watch you die." Lily raised her face to look between her father and mother. Her father turned to his wife who just stared into the forest, Lily knew that she was praying to the forest spirit for help but the spirit had be seen since her mother was a small child.

"Kill us Smith, we filled the child's head with lies, leave Lily out of this" Smith nodded "Your right it's not the child's fault so I'll send her first." Lily moved her shoulder to the left so it ducked Smiths hand, but he caught a hand full of her hair instead. She screamed and squirmed but before she knew it he had her at the very edge of the cliff. Lily fought the urge to grab Smith for support because it felt like wind would have knock her off if he wasn't still holding a handful of her hair. Smith bent closer, and whispered "You could have lived if you would have just married my son, any last words" Lily nodded "This isn't because of Tim its because I saw you with Emily, and wouldn't stand for it you pig" she hissed then spit in his face. "You just killed yourself" Smith said and shoved Lily off the cliff. Her mother, and fathers scream was all she heard as she fell it filled her with agony, hate, helplessness, and so much more.

The water felt like ice around her sinking body at least the cinder block broke the surface before her body hit the water or she would have died from the fall, but the throbbing pain in her left leg meant it was probably broken. The oceans rushing current push Lily around despite the cinder block. The block little to stop the rushing water, but it hindered her from her trying to swim towards the surface. Pain for lack of air was crawling at her chest, but left hand was soon free from the rope around her waist, and the right was close to being free. Lily pulled on her left leg pain shot up it, she gasped pain, and water entered her mouth. Black dots started to cloud her vision, her lungs burned for air. No she thought I'm so close. Darkness was closing in, and it's warm embrace was so tempting, but she fought it back with anger. No... I'll kill that pig Lily tried once again to free her left leg and felt the chain slip slightly down her ankle. She smiled to herself thanking god it was already broken, and that with a couple more pulls her leg would be free. Ok, one more time... Lily thought, but her body convulsed, and she heard her heart beat slowing. No move she thought trying to will her dying body nothing I can't die I don't want to...ill do anything just let me live. A shape of a monster suddenly took from beside her. You'll do anything huh, then share you life with me. It said into her head without hesitation Lily reached out her hand to it, and everything went black.

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