summer love

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Timothee Chamlet

It was silly to fall in love with Armie during the shoot of call me by your name.

Lucky for him nobody takes it seriously when I tell the I tell press that everything that happened in the movie came true.

But I knew the truth.

Armie Hammer and I used to be in love.

but now...

we weren't.

He was with his wife.

Elizabeth chambers

Everyone was begging for a sequel.

We were the sequel .

Today I was supposed to have a interview with Armie.

I got dressed and went to my car.

I turned on the radio.

Mystery of love played.

It reminded me of the rehearsal that started everything.

During the shoot of CMBYN

Armie and I were kissing. More of making out.

until we pulled away realizing that he had gone. Luca had left us.

" Oh " Armie said smiling looking down at my pants.

" What?" I asked. " You got a bit excited!" armie said chuckling.

I looked down and saw the boner that was growing.

" Shoot I am so sorry!" I said trying to hide my boner.

" It's okay " Armie said touching my hard member. " I got a little excited too !" Armie said putting my hand on his rock hard member.

He started rubbing my hard member.

So I rubbed his.

" Armie isn't this wrong I mean we barely know each other!" I said chuckling.

" Luca wanted us to rehearse " armie said smirking at me " Now don't tell me you don't want this as much as I do!"

I let my guard down and put his hand away. I sat on his lap and crashed my lips onto his.

" Armie " Armie whispered taking my clothing off.

I knew what he was doing.

" Timothee " I whispered calling him by my name.

Soon we were both panting messes.

out of breath.

and soon we reached our climax.


I quickly switched off the song so that I wouldn't start getting flashbacks again.

god I hated my life.

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