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Armie and I held hands in secret and got through the whole interview.

At the end Armie took me to a room we would be in private.

" Meet me at your house at midnight!" Armie said smiling at me.

He then left me alone. Dumbfounded, confused.

I waited and did my own thing until midnight.

Then Armie rung the doorbell.

I opened the door and smiled. Armie closed the door and crashed his lips against mine.

I kissed him passionately feeling guilty about helping him cheat on his wife.

But also forgetting about everything.

" No Armie!" I said pushing him away " I won't let myself wreck your home!"

" You were never a Home wrecker." Armie said putting his arms around my neck " My home was wrecked years before you came into it. I am the one who fell out of love with Elisabeth chambers"

I couldn't resist his perfect lips. His beautiful eyes. Aahhh the hair!

I kissed him passionately.

" Come on I want to take you somewhere!" Armie said smirking. " Where ?" I asked him. " Pack your things we are leaving NYC for a few days!" Armie said winking.
" Are You taking me to where I think you're taking me? Crema ?" I asked Armie.

" Good ol Crema !" Armie said winking.

I smiled and packed my stuff.

When I was finished we took a plane to Crema.

We got to Crema late.

Armie took me to a homey  hotel.

" Hello we would like to check in please!" Armie said smiling

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" Hello we would like to check in please!" Armie said smiling.

" Ah yes Mr Viktor Hammer " The lady at check in said smiling.

He had booked a room under his brothers name. The clever little shit.

" Yes my husband and I booked a room here !" Armie Said smiling.

The lady nodded and brought us to our room.

There were roses spread all over. The lady gave us our keys and left.

" Armie !" I said smiling.

I went to him and kissed him.

" Come here !" Armie said gesturing for me to come over to the bed.

" I know we can't get married because as you know I am already married but!" Armie said taking out a box.

I opened it and saw a beautiful ring

I opened it and saw a beautiful ring

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" Beautiful " I said smiling.

" Wear it !" Armie said smiling.

I smiled and wore the ring.

" I love You " Armie said smiling. " I love You " I said smiling.

Armie and I went to the window and looked at the view from the room.

He had his arms wrapped around me.

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