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" where do you want to go now?" I asked armie.

" How about we go to the downtown area?" Armie suggested. " Sounds good !" I said getting dressed again.

Once we got dressed we went outside

Armie held my hand secretly by putting his hand in my jacket pocket.

I smiled at him as we started walking to the town center.

We saw a wonderful looking carnival and decided to go in.

" Win me a bear?" I asked Armie.

Armie chuckled and whispered. " Since I'm an amazing boyfriend I'll win  you two "

I chuckled and nudged him to the win a bear stall.

Like Armie promised he won me two adorable teddy bears.

" Hey when we get back you can give these to your daughter!" I said smiling.

Armie shook his head. " No those bears were won for you " Armie said smiling " They belong to you and so do I "

He didn't belong to me.

He was still very much with his wife.

" I might belong to you but you belong to someone else " I said frowning.

" Timmy please " Armie said taking his hand out of his pocket and holding my face in his hands. " You're the one that I love "

" Armie that's sweet but everyone is going to see !" I said frowning.

" I don't care " Armie said smiling.

I took his hand and put it back in my pocket with my hand.

" Armie I love you too but I'm not that cruel to let Elizabeth find out her husband is cheating because she saw it on the news or in a magazine!" I said frowning.

" You're right " Armie said smiling " I'm sorry "

I smiled sadly and wrapped my arms around him.

" It's ok " I said smiling at him.

We went to the ferries wheel. And on other wonderful rides but I knew this couldn't go on for much longer until he told his wife.

Until I wrecked the house.

We went back home the next day.

Elizabeth greeted us with an angry face once we got to Oliver's house in Texas.

" What's this ?!?" She asked Oliver waving around divorce papers.

Wait he had filed  for divorce while we were in Crema ??!?!?

" Is there a reason for this ???" Elizabeth asked crying.

Armie nodded.

" Elizabeth " Armie said frowning " I'm gay "

Holy shit! He just came out to her and divorced her.

" I signed the papers in Crema " Armie said showing her a picture of his signed divorce papers.

" Bullshit you're not gay you had sex with me !" Elizabeth screamed.

" Elizabeth I'm gay face it " Armie said frowning.

" No " Elizabeth said sobbing " I can't! I won't! You loved me !!"

" Not in the way you would have hoped " Armie said frowning.

" Who is it ?" Elizabeth asked " Who is this guy that you love more me ?"

I just stood there awkwardly.

Armie looked at me and smiled. " He's amazing " Armie said smiling " He loves me like nobody ever has. He's waited for me for years to admit the fact that I am so madly in love with him. He's everything that I'm not. Gorgeously handsome , fun and kind and so so patient . I love him Elizabeth and I hope he knows how much I do "

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