This Isnt Goodbye.....(sequel to London Dreams)

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January 1,2015


Kara's P.O.V


right now we are all on our way to the airport. Me Maddy and Jess are leaving for Canada and the boys are headed to the U.S.

even though we are all excited for our tours we wont be seeing eachother for a whole year...

Maddy and Harry are curled op in the back of the van, asleep. Jess is shedding tears hear and their while Liam tries to calm her down by whispering soothing things to her

Im wrapped in Nialls arms as we sit here sharing our last bit of time together for quit a wile, while he shares his goldfish crackers with me....

Zayn and Louis are quietly whispering to eachother as they sit in the front Louis driving (which was not a good idea) and Zayn in the passengers seat

we finally make it to the airport they guys grab our things out of thre van, as we walk through the doors, through security, and down to our correct terminal it finally hits me that this is really happening......i wont See Niall for a whole year.....i shed a tear and turen to Niall and wrap hin in a hug as i begin to cry harder.

Jessica's P.O.V


we've been sitting here for a good 20 minutes now not saying a word an- 

"flight 278 now boarding" the speaker announced 

i let out a sigh as looked over at the girls the stood up along with  everyone else as did I

Liam pulled me into a hug and whispered 

"i Love you Jess"

"i love you LiLi" i added

he stepped away for a minute to grab something out of his pocket......he pulled out a small red box and opened it

inside were to simple bands that were ingraved one said

'love is'  and the other said 'Forever'

"oh LiLi" i gasped as i placed my hand over my mouth

"Jess i love you more than life itself and before you go i need to know your MINE forever and always, I love you" he said as he placed the promise ring on my finger.

"flight 278 last call" the lady spoke over the speaker

"i love you, forever" i said as i kissed him

Maddy's P.O.V


I gave Harry one last hug and a quick but sweet Kiss as i saw Kara do to Niall also before walking over to the door along with Jess waiting for me with tears in there eyes

"forever and always, i will love you: i whispered to Harry as i gave him one last hug

"i love you" he whispered back as i turned to walk to where jess and kara were standing waiting for me......i felt something grab my leg as i was half way to the girls.

it was louis 

hes laying on the floor with my leg wrapped in his arms

"nope your not leaving im not gonna let you" he said with a stern look on his face, which actually made me laugh

"lou i have to and  so do Kara and Jess, we will back before you know it, just remember just a phone call away and do it FOR NARNIA" i screamed the last part and got stared at but i didnt care

by this time Louis was up off the filthy airport floor and gave me a hug and i made my way to the door me and the girls looked back and all the boys had tears in their eyes and we waved 

-till next time....this isnt goodbye

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