Two tags at the same time?!??

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So what happened is the rad and sexy youcancrunchmyleaves got tagged in two things and then tagged me and I'm not sure if that means I do both tags so we're gonna do both anyway.

So what happened is the rad and sexy youcancrunchmyleaves got tagged in two things and then tagged me and I'm not sure if that means I do both tags so we're gonna do both anyway

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1. No? I guess cause there's someone I'm not sure if I have a crush on or if I just really like them.
2. Grace Elizabeth
3. I have no idea and I'm too lazy to check.
4. 5
5. Blue
6. When I was watching Star Trek Beyond
7. Either needles or crowds
8. Can I Play With Madness by Iron Maiden
9. My hella rad friend Megan
10. Probably wattpad

I'll tag all the people after the other tag

I'll tag all the people after the other tag

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1. I don't think I have one
2. Blue
3. Brown
4. I'm hella gay
5. Green
6. I don't know, I don't think I have one
7. I don't know too many amazing people to choose from
8. Anteater
9. I don't know my overall favourite song but at the moment it's The Sky Is A Neighborhood  by Foo Fighters
10. Probably Hunger Games

I don't have 20 friends so I'm just gonna tag a few

Sorry if you don't do tags or have already done this tagging just rad people

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