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It had been roughly three years since Harry, Ron and Rosie had become best friends. They were now in their fourth year. Later on first year, Hermione joined their group and they become known at the golden four. 

It was the second week into classes and it had become known to the Hogwarts alumni that Hogwarts would be hosting a famous tournament, the Triwizard tournament. Two other schools would be joining them for a year,the  Beauxbatons Academy for Magic and the Durmstrung Institute. Both of the schools had incredibly talented students in their ranks. One of which, was   Viktor Krum from Durmstrung. He was the seeker of the Bulgarian quidditch team. Harry, Rosie, Hermione and Ron had gone to the Quidditch World Cup, and they had seen him in action. Ron, especially loved the game. He was a well rounds handsome lad, and a great quidditch player. Or as Fred and George liked to see it, Ron's man crush.  

This year was different than the rest of the years the tournament would take place. For safety reasons, Professor Dumbledore had set an age restriction on the tournament. Only wizards who were of legal age, which was seventeen, were allowed to enter the tournament. A few people we displeased by news, and tried thier best to get around this rule. 

Two of these displeased students were Fred and George Weasley. They made it their life mission to try and enter the tournament. Their prime idea was an age potion. No matter whatever Hermione's was telling them, they were set. 

Fred and George Weasley took it on themselves to try and enter the tournament. So, they tried the first thing they thought of. An age potion. No matter Hermione's common sense telling them to stop and that it will never work, they would not listen and they paid the price. Two lovely white beards. They had to go to Madam Pomphrey to get them removed, now that was a laugh. 

Many students entered the tournament, among them were Cedric Diggory and Angelina Johnson. Rosie was rooting for Angelina Johnson, she was Gryffindor after all,  

After Angelina put her name inside the goblet, Viktor Krum entered with his friends. Every eye in the room was turned as he walked towards the goblet. The room was silent, except for a few whispers when he put his name in the goblet. He exited without as much as a word. He didn't even have to talk, his friends did that for him. Rosie got the vibe that he was the kind of guy who was silent, but powerful. 

But, at the current moment, Rosie was not thinking about the tournament, or anything exciting. At this given moment, she was in the middle of a Hermione lecture, about a stupid spell or charm that she honestly could not care less about. Hermione often made too big of a deal about these small little things. It wasn't the  N.E.W.T. or the O.W.Ls. It was a quiz.

"Rosie!" Hermione snapped her fingers, right in front of Rosie's face, "I was trying to show you how to do the seize and pull charm. Professor Fitwick is testing us on this tomorrow. TOMORROW! Honestly Rosie, do you pay any attention in class? This stuff is very important! For all we know, this could be in the O.W.Ls! Those are next year you know. If I could......"

Rosie shifted her attention away from Hermione's rant, and payed attention to the rest of the courtyard. It was a good day outside, the fall air was just starting to roll in. It was the perfect weather to wear a cardigan outside without sweating up a storm. It was her favourite time of year. She turned her focus back to Hermione who was still talking about how unprepared Rosie was. 

"Sorry," Rosie responded, raising her wand to practice, "Hermione, what is the incantation again?" 

"Rosie!" Hermione scoffed, throwing her hands in the air, "Honestly, should I expect more? It is the Rosie Lupin  after all! Merlin's beard! It is KAHR-pay ruh-TRACK-tum, got it?"" 

Rosie nodded her head, "Thanks Hermione. It's Cahr-PAYO ra-TACK-tumo."

"No!" Hermione yelled at her, "It is not, Rosie Lupin! Merlin! Rosie it is-"

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