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After a thrilling Divination class, on their way back to the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Ron had noticed Rosie walking at a fast, rapid pace. So, they tried to catch up to her.

"Hi Rosie!" Harry greeted, being the first one to catch up with her rapid pace, "I have got to say: I don't normally enjoy divination but I actually enjoyed it today."

Rosie turned her head and scowled at him, "You are one to say that. I had double Muggle Studies. I have two essays due to Professor Burbage feeling extra 'productive' today."

"That's too bad," Harry said trying to hide a smirk, "We had a good day. We were working on star charts. Very funny, if I do say so myself."

Rosie looked at him with a scowl very present on her face.

Ron appeared on the other side of Rosie, having just caught up to her pace, "Geez Rosie, you walk so fast! We have a free period after this. Would it kill you to slow down?"

Rosie shot Ron a very nasty glare, he looked a teensy bit frightened and replied, "Sorry. Where is Hermione?"

Rosie shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. She's probably in the common room or something. Bet she had a ton of homework too. What is today, give tons of homework day?"

Harry looked at her, "Cheer up Rosie, we have things to look foreword to. It'll be Christmas soon."

"Hence the 'not-right-now.' Oh, I just want to sleep," she complained, letting out a groan. Harry smirked at her and she caught on, "Stop it potter! I mean it! Not everyone has perfect lives, you know."

Harry just continued to bother her more about it, with the help of Ron of course. So she inevitably just shut her mouth and she began to think of her essays as that was all that was on her mind. Usually, she didn't care overly that much about schoolwork, but ever since her thoughts were drifting to her father, she wanted to do the best for him. They were not in an overly perfect financial situation. They would survive that was sure, but she wanted to make sure this was all worth it. Hence the determination with schoolwork. She ought to write back to her father, and see how he was.

Before she even realized it, the three of them were at the foot of the Fat Lady, ready to enter the portrait hole. Immediately, her game face was on.

Harry stepped out and spoke in a triumphant tone, "Triump Truffles!"

The Fat Lady shook her head back and forth, "No."

Ron stomped his feet and argued, "That's the password! I memorized it!"

She uttered a simple word and crossed her arms, "No."

"Please let us in, please," Rosie pleaded lovingly. But as soon as the Fat Lady shook her head once again, Rosie realized that the Fat Lady wasn't going to change her mind, so she changed her tactic, "Do is you see this face? This face means business. And my business is to get inside that common room!"

The portrait swung open, "You don't have to be so rude to get what you want. It's not a flattering look on you."

Rosie walked through first and uttered, "We have a crazy portrait."

Both Harry and Ron nodded their heads in agreement. They began to play wizard's chest on the opposite side of the room to Rosie, allowing her to be undisturbed. Rosie got very grumpy and cranky when she was stressed, so they allowed her to be alone so she wouldn't get worse. At these times all she needed was a little space. But, they both had fun playing wizard chess so it was all okay with them both.

Rosie had pretty much calmed down the second she sat down and started. She just needed to start, and she did and then she was fine. Her head casually looked over to Harry and Ron who were laughing over something that one of them had done. They had no care in the world.

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