Chapter 1-The Meeting,Beginning,and Did I just Faint?

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^Tatum's POV^

"Okay Mom!", I yelled at my mom and dad who were standing in the door way to our,correction,I mean 'their' house, "Ready to leave!"

"Are you sure sweetie?", she asked as she and my father walked to me and hugged me tight.

"We're gonna miss you so much!", said my father as he released me from the hug.

"I know.", I said as I opened the door to my car, "Bye! I love you guys!"

"We love you too sweetie!", they yelled to me as I drove off.

Good ridance.

I sighed as I pulled up to my apartment,well condo actually,my parents are very wealthy. I just hate to admit it. I'm nothing like them.

"Tatum West!", I said nicely to the person who smiled at me.

"Ah yes. You're the one who's parents have a big wallet.", she said handing md two sets of keys.

"Why are there two?", I asked confused as I took them.

"So if you lose one you have a extra one sweetie.", she said as she chuckled.

"Thank you!", I said as I walked back out to my car.

"You need some help?", two girl voices asked behind me, "You look like you have your hands a little too full."

I sighed at the two heavy boxes I was carrying.

"If you don't mind.", I said sheepishly as the two each took a box.

I was met with the smiling faces of two girls about my age. They both had dirty blonde har. One was wearing a pink hoodie with the words, "DUDE I JUST ATE A BROTATO FRY!" , written on it. The other was wearing a light blue and green hoodie with the words, "Keep On Spinning!",written on it.

"I'm Wren!", the one who was wearing the blue and green hoodie as she smiled through braces and glasses at me.

"I'm Tristen,but you can call me Tris.", the other one said.

"Dude!", I said smiling as I grabbed another box from my car, "I love your shirt more than life itself."

"That's not scientifically possible!", said Wren as she rolled her eyes, "You can love something more than the unvierse. It is scientifically proved you can't love something more than life itself."

I looked at her astonished. Tris just rolled her eyes.

"That's my crazy sister for you!", she said smiling, "Let's head on up."

Why did I have a feeling these people were going to change my life forever?

-Time Skip-

So I have been here for a week. I finally got back to my youtube life. Oh yeah,I have a youtube channel with about 1,000,000 subscribers. My name is TWGaming. I do Amnesia,Slender,and other stuff. I mostly do Minecraft though. I was actually recording when I got a skype call.

"Who is BrotatoMunches?", I asked confused as I clicked on accept.

"TYLER!", yelled a old lady's voice that I knew well through skype, "I GOT THE STUPID SKYPE TO WORK!"

"Oh my gosh!", he said as he changed to his regular voice, "Hi Tatum."

That's when I fainted.

------ A/N ------

So,WREN HERE! I GOT TO WRITE THE FIRST CHAPTER!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ha! Anyways,Tris may edit it a little. I might edit hers a little. We honestly just hope you enjoy this story!

Keep on Spinning ~~~Wren_Luvs_Ninjago

Luv ya,pokéfans ~~~ChosenVulpix

Weirdos Togther Forever ~~~TWChronicles

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