Chapter 25: Homecoming

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Harry is coming home today

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Harry is coming home today.

It's hard to believe that only one month ago, we were snuggled up together at his church on Christmas Eve. And it was only 25 days ago that he proposed, yet it already feels like years have passed since that magical night. It's surreal to think that we've only really known each other for two months but I've never been more sure of anything in my life than the fact that Harry and I belong together.

Since Harry's meltdown in the hospital, he's had progressively better days. Frustration is a constant, but he's handling it better and slowly but surely, he's regaining his strength.

After that most frustrating day, Harry and I began to pray together in the mornings. When I would arrive at the hospital, we would hold hands and pray for his recovery, for our wedding plans, for Gemma and Mike, and for whatever else came to mind. Then we would thank God together for everything He had done for us. I love sharing a new level of faith with Harry. I feel closer to him and closer to God than I've ever felt in my life.

Dr. and Mrs. Styles have gone to get Harry from the hospital while I agreed to stay home and make dinner. I'm making his favorite dish, German sausage with potatoes and sauerkraut.

I'm finding the change of pace fun and relaxing. It's a welcome shift from the hyper-vigilant state we've maintained for the last three weeks. I check everything on the stove, and then I find the good china to set the table in the formal dining room. I carefully set out the dishes with places for Gemma and Mike, too.

This room and the sun porch are my two favorite rooms in the Styles' house. The dining room walls are the same kind of blue as the kitchen, but it's a darker, more comforting shade. A light wood wainscoting graces the bottom half of the walls and keeps the room from appearing too dark. The table is fairly plain, but the chairs are upholstered in a delicate paisley design with blues and greens that compliment the walls.

Finally, I sit at the table and wait to hear the car pulling into the garage. I close my eyes and eagerly await Harry's homecoming. His mind is back to normal, for the most part. His short-term memory may have some mild deficiencies, but that's it. Otherwise, Harry seems to have made it through this ordeal unscathed. He hasn't had significant improvement in his ability to walk yet, but that detail is overshadowed by overwhelming gratitude that he is alive and well.

I can't believe that I have also made it through the last several weeks. During moments when I thought I just couldn't go on, I somehow had the strength to keep moving. Despite the fact that I'm thrilled he's coming home today, I'm mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. It's probably nothing that a weekend of sleep won't cure but tonight's dinner will be festive enough to keep my attention. After that, I assume that we will all try to get some much-needed rest.

I hear the car pull up and I run to the garage in my slippers. As soon as he steps out of the car, I grab him in the most ferocious hug and almost knock him over. "Oops, I'm sorry, Baby," I giggle, unable to contain my excitement.

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