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Long dark hair, chocolate colored eyes, oval glasses, hair pulled back in a ponytail. A mischievous grin in place. She had a classical timeless beauty about her that most didn't take the time to see, but I did. So smart and unintentionally sexy, she stopped my heart since the first time I laid eyes on the brunette beauty. I know I have fallen in love, and I have it bad for my best friend, if she only knew...

I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Isabella Swan, but don't call me that, I prefer Bella. I moved here to Forks, WA about a year ago to get away from...ah well I think I'm getting ahead of myself. Let' s just say I'm not your normal human, and don't have to worry about ever dying of natural causes.

Anyway, since moving here it has been her, always her that has enraptured my very soul. I knew I'd found my forever when our eyes locked briefly that first day. I swear I could see her do a sharp intake of breath at that moment, but that could just be my beast being hopeful. Ever since that moment passed we have been best friends. Knowing I am bound to her forever I am ok with just being friends if that is all she ever wants, but it pains me every time she talks about boys, and I nearly lost it when she started dating Ben...oh how I hate, hate, hate that name. However it has been getting better, as she ended it with that bafoon, after she discovered him with Mike in a broom closet in a vey compromising position shall we say. She was his beard in the worst way, she had no idea. I consoled her for months after that, holding her so close felt so right. I just wished that I could take away her pain.

She finally seemed to bounce back however recently. I wasn't sure about it but maybe she has been, flirty even lately. Maybe it' s just wishful thinking, I won't push her though. She deserves a choice, I won' t pressure her into a relationship with a monster like me, even if my nature tells me it' s fate. I care for her too much to do that to her.

Everywhere I looked I saw her name Angela Webber...she was my angel. I know, corny and sappy as it is, I can't help how I feel. I turn on the radio to distract myself, and 'Angela' by The Lumineers comes on. I grumble but keep it playing as it soothes my beast. I get lost in thought, so lost I don't hear the object of my desire dropping into my lap and laying a big kiss on my cheek in an over exaggerated manner, followed up by a tickle attack that leaves me gasping for air.

' geeze Bells you were really out of it, school ended about 5 minutes ago the art teacher said you could chill in the beanbag chair, but I didn't think you would try to move in here'

'Har har, Angela, I was just deep in thought'

'Oh, and what has you so perplexed by dear friend?'

'Ummm stuff?'

'Stuff huh, well that's not cryptic at all, ok since you are not forthcoming about your thought process, I'll tell you what I think you were thinking about and you can tell me how right I am.' She says as she links her hands behind my neck and leans back as she straddles my lap.

I work hard to keep my arousal in tact with this new position that she seems to have fallen in love with this last month. Playful as ever she begins,

'Ok, so you were laying back thinking about just how perfect your best friend is in every way, how much smarter than you she is, and how you wish you could be nearly as cool as I am...right so far?'

I laugh out loud and nod in mock agreement and urge her to go on by raising an eyebrow and a nod

Laughing she continues thoughtfully, ' ok, so where was I, oh yes, so you agree I'm cooler than you, and you were thinking if I only could be like her, less clutzy for sure...'

I glared at her playfully pouting

' ah yes, but mostly you were thinking,'. She slowly got slightly more serious..' you were thinking, why haven't I asked this beautiful woman out, why let your mate slip through your hands..my beautiful Isabella, why have you waited so long to peruse me?' She ended in earnest

I was gobsmacked, mouth slightly hanging open,' but...bu.. how, whe..huh?'

Angela leaned in slowly, stopping a breath's space away from Bella's lips and relied,' I'm not exactly human either, and while it took me a while to accept the bond, it was never you, I am so old and have had so many lovers throughout the years all male, and finally I had thought Ben was it for me, I suppose I had convinced myself of that. You saved me from myself after that fallout. I would be lucky if you would ever consider being with me, and besides I really would like kiss my mate.'

The last words were barely out of Angela' s mouth, when Bella lurched forward smashing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Angela's hands threaded through Bella's hair pulling them impossibly closer. Both women were moaning into the kiss and kept going until breathing became an issue. They leaned into each other's forehead, closing their eyes smiling.

Angela caressed Bella's cheek, leaning forward and kissing her other cheek.

' Ang, oh my God Ang,...I'm the lucky one, so uh...what do you say umm about maybe going on a date with me?'

Angela smiles a breathtaking smile, leans forward and kisses Bella deeply before she slightly leans back and says,' yes, yes of course, yes!'

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