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> Man in the suit <

We entered the station then detective Kim welcomed us with his blessed smile

Oh gohd

"Oh Eunhye! And Officer Jeon? You look pale bro" he said

i nodded at him

"By the way Eunhye come with me" he said as i walk trough him

While we're walking i noticed a guy at the right he looks so familiar

I stopped walking then wrote my words

'Who is he?' It says

Pointing my index finger right straight to the man in the suit

"Oh him?" Detective said as i nodded

"He's a detective here too, but if you look at him so far, you think he's a cold person?" Detective said, i look directly at him, seeing him taking a look at the files

I don't think so

'Yes?' i write down

"Well, You're wrong, He's a kind hearted person" He said

' So? What's his name? '

"His name is Min Yoongi, he's respected here since we all know he helped thousands of people every year"

It's Him

"Oh hello detective" he said as he walk towards us

I'm nervous

"hello officer this is Eunhye , Eunhye this is detective Min he will also help us for the murder case ok?" Detective Kim said as i bowed for him

"oh i see, She's mute?" A sentence that caught our ears out

"uhh yeah she's mute but her hearing was much stronger than the others, Very rare right?"

At first I'm falling for detective Kim?
Now I'm starting to fall for detective Min

These detectives has a real pain to me

' By the way i didn't notice detective Jung here, where is he? ' i write down then face it to detective Kim's face

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!" We hear a loud noise coming from outside till the inside knowing it was detective Jung

He opened the door still catching his breath

"W- what are you so afraid of detective Hope? Or Why are you so afraid of?" The other detective ask

" oh. Sorry. I. Was. Just. Whooo"
he said while catching his breath

He's so cute tho

"seriously? Detective? Is it him your so afraid of?" detective Jeon went inside carrying a cute little mouse

then detective Jung slightly ran into my back

"Yah! Y- you-" hope was still catching his breath, so he can't talk a straight sentence

"yarrrghhhh! "

"AHH?!" Detective Jung shouted as he ran into their office and lock everything for his sake

Then I see detective Min laughing that makes my heart flutter, again

Should I say goodbye to detective Kim?


Sorry for that *-*

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