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> The Plan <

*Eunhye's pov* 

" hey is that Yoongi and Hobii there?"
Jimin said pointing on the two men Who looks like They're finding someone

It really is Hoseok and Yoongi

The two boys sat on the two chairs that was not occupied, Hobii with me and Yoongi With Jimin

That was a little awkward tho.

'How about switching our chairs?' I convince yoongi through the paper

He nodded and switched our chairs

Now, jimin and i and hobii with yoongi that's more like it
Jimin looked so unhappy and uncomfortable lately

Lol his face tho

I put my left hand on the table and then Jimin put his hand above it, this is normal for us, we even did holding hands in public but we never had a greater relationship than a childhood friends

"Uhh ehermm" Hobi cough before talking, then i saw yoongi staring at the me like there's no tomorrow

I removed my hands under jimin's

"W- well eunhye, do you have the picture?" Detective Jung asked as i lift it up from my hand bag

"This is you right? I have my own theory but please don't hate me after hearing this, eunhye.. you said yoongi gave you a picture during his birthday, right?" Detective said as i nodded and handed it on him too

"look, the picture i got on the house where i saw the suspect, this boy this looks like you, and this picture of you and your dad on the swing? Look carefully at that blurry part of the face of the man beside you, you said that he's your father right? he looks like Shoiri's father, and you did said that your aunt said that your father is not dead, but where is  his body? "

"Said it straight on my Hoseok, are you saying that my father is the criminal?" Yoongi said

"Uhh yeah but.."

"No buts Hoseok, you have your point, but how did all of this happened if your theory was true?" Yoongi said.. he looks like he's not upset at all but his wild eyes looks like he's angry or something

"That case, you guys are already suspecting that case for 13 years now, and my mom, she died 14 years ago and my aunt did say that my dad died 13 years ago too, Eunhye, you know why i don't believe aunt that he's already dead? Look"

Yoongi said pointing at the bottom part at the back of the picture of him and his father

It says 'I'll be back'

"I'm not a detective but, i think all of this has it's point guys, how about having a secret investigation?" Jimin said rasing his one eyebrows

"Secret investigation" all of us said, well i didn't say it but i was screaming it deep inside me

"We'll start by tomorrow?"  Yoongi said then all of us nodded


Ok!! I updated in a roww!!! First timee!

Yeahhhh,  sorry for so long update my last update was April 8 so it's been a loooong time..

And hope you guys liked itt ❤️ I'll try to be so active now

I wish i can update everyday 😐

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