Chapter 3

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I woke up early the next morning, knowing I had a few things to do before Castillo got here. I let Sniper drag me out for a morning run and pleasantly surprised him when I had managed to keep up with him for good seven miles before stumbling back to the house to shower. The cold shower didn't help the already aching feeling in my muscles, but I gritted my teeth and proceeded forward.

I made us breakfast again, this time pancakes with bacon. We made a little small talk before heading over to the club house. There, a few prospects were cleaning up, sweeping the floors and wiping down the tables. From the loud chatter, I could tell most brothers were outside hanging out around the garage. Hades had kept the mechanic's store as a legal front, keeping the business lively enough to keep the law off of our front porch.

There were no kids running around, since business was going to be taking place in the club house today. It was a rule to remove all those who weren't brothers to prevent anything from leaking out. I was the only sister, having already been badged in at twelve by my father, who reasoned it with something about needing female insight. Of course, I'd never really taken part in any of the Son's club meetings, but I figured they wouldn't be too different from the ones I sat in at with Castillo.

I decided to pass the time by cleaning the remainder of the kitchen. While using it yesterday, I saw that it had only always been minimally cleaned, but some things like the oven and stove needed some intense scrubbing. I grabbed some rubber gloves and cleaning liquids from under the sink before getting straight to work. I scrubbed so long and hard that the kitchen looked like it had been newly renovated.

By the time I was done, I only just had time for another quick shower before Castillo arrived. I jogged back to my house, rinsed down and pulled on something somewhat presentable. I wore black leggings with an airy white blouse and beige-coloured heeled boots. I grabbed my laptop, in case Castillo wanted me to call up any information I had catalogued in regard to his shipments.

One thing my godfather put a lot of value in was presentation, from the way someone looked, to how dedicated they were to arrive punctual. So, when I arrived just as all the bikers had taken a seat in the backroom around a large oak table, I knew his stern gaze was a silent scolding. I bowed my head as an apology, placed a small kiss on both his cheeks and took a seat next to him.

My godfather wasn't a particularly large man, but his aura could intimidate anyone. He had a slim build, with short black hair pushed back and to the side. I'd never seen him wear anything other than a suit, so it came to no surprised when I saw he was wearing a dark grey one. On his wrist, he sported a silver Rolex and around his neck a golden chain with a cross, something he wore in memory of his deceased mother. Coarse hair that coated his cheeks and upper lip was cut smartly to make him look like the kind of man he was. Rich, powerful and immune to bullshit.

"Cariña, qué tal? Are you happy to be back?" He asked quietly, ignoring the silent room staring at him. One thing I admired about Castillo is that he never let anything pressure him. There was a table full of bikers waiting to start a meeting and he was willing to delay it to ask if I was okay.

I nodded shortly. "Happy to be home."

He seemed to notice my short answer. Unlike him, I didn't enjoy having so many eyes stare at me, so I was thankful he caught on to my discomfort so quickly. "We'll talk tomorrow night over dinner," he said, lowly, so only I could hear.

I agreed and leaned back in my seat, ready for this meeting to start.

He cleared his throat and turned his attention to Hades. "Since I've started working with the Sons of Olympus, my business income has soared through the roof, but it is slowly reaching its peak. I am okay with that, because otherwise I would have to ship a lot more and that might draw in the law."

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