Chapter 6: Hades

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This is most definitely not edited because I couldn't be asked; it will happen one day

She was off of me and gone before I fully registered what she had said.

"Put a bullet in his head."

"Fuck," I exhaled, heaving myself off the floor. It was impossible to imagine her killing someone. No way in hell could she do something like that. There was no way she could pull the trigger on someone.

I began pacing my room, my head spinning in circles. Maybe she was being sarcastic to come off tougher or something. She wouldn't actually kill a person, would she? Something in my gut told me she did. The more of a possibility it became, that she actually would, the angrier I got. I kicked the wooden frame of my bed, causing it to slide a few feet across the floor.

I yanked my phone out and dialled Castillo's number. When he picked up after the third ring, I didn't even let him speak. I was fuming. "You fucking cunt," I yelled into the phone. "What the fuck did you do to Laura?"

"I suggest you pick your words carefully, or-."

"Fuck you! Did I pick them carefully enough? How could you do something like that to her! She was a kid when she went to you! What the fuck did you do to her?" My voice was so raised, it ricocheted off the walls of my room, and I was sure all the brothers could hear me.

"And what have I done to her?"

"Don't play dumb with me," I snarled. "You trained her to kill people? She's barely nineteen! How could you do that to your own family."

"Ah," he sighed into the phone. It angered me even more that he was suddenly so calm again, as if he hadn't done anything wrong. I wanted to shove the barrel of my gun down his throat. "So, she told you? Did she tell you why she does it?"

"No, she didn't tell me anything! All she said, is she's going to put a bullet in a guys head tonight, because you told her too. You're fucking sick."

"She chose to pursue this line of work herself."

"Bullshit! You're her godfather and you're giving her targets. She's a kid!"

"She hasn't been a child since a while now."

That shut me right up. I knew what happened to her made her lose her naive innocence. I knew she had been robbed of the joys of playing with other children because of her fear that any and every one wanted to hurt her. "That doesn't mean you can use it make a killer out of her."

"And I didn't. The first man she killed, she did it without me knowing. A woman had come to one of my men, saying one of my business partners was kidnapping and abusing women. She had managed to get away. My men had brought her to see me, but Laura saw her before I did. Right on that spot, she promised that woman that she would never be touched again by that animal. I had given my men the order to kill him. He was a low profile drug dealer anyway, someone no one would miss.

"I didn't think Laura would be the one to kill him. She was seventeen. It was the first night in years that she didn't have a nightmare." Castillo stopped, taking a deep breath. "I tried to keep her away from anymore of the women that came to me for shelter, but she always found a way to get the names of their abusers. She doesn't always kill them, but the way she leaves them behind... it isn't a pretty picture.

"Do you know why we in the Cartel call her "Sirena" or "Siren"? Because she lures men to their death with temptations they cannot resist. I never wanted this life for my goddaughter, but doing the work she does helps put her mind at ease. The men I send her after, they are not too different to the men that hurt her. It is a form of meditation for her, killing those men because it assures her that they cannot hurt other little girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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