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I heard the front door slam shut. My eyes were suddenly open and wide, my mind fully awake. I turned to my side, looking at the time. 

3:08 A.M.

It was happening again. I quickly shot up and made my bed as fast as I possibly could. I softly ran out of my room, leaving the door open, ensuring there was no trace of my presence left behind. I heard footsteps banging up to the top floor, where I was. Frozen, my body, my face and my memories. We made eye contact. He had a smug grin spread over his face, a beer bottle in his hand. 

He was trembling and stumbling his way over to where I was standing. I used the little strength I had to push myself forward away from him. I jumped two stairs at a time, quickly grabbing my wallet and phone from the downstairs island.

My slippers were thrown on as I heard him say, "Where you going Gi? We ain't have any fun yet?" I think he was making his way back to the ground floor. I could hear him falling and hitting the side wall. I looked around once, reminiscing this place, before I made my exit. Who knew how long it would be before I came back here.

I drove for an hour into Montgomery. Tears flooded my eyes as I drove west of my hometown into rural North Carolina. The water in my eyes was blurring my vision, no longer able to observe the foliage surrounding me. It reminded my of my life. All of my difficulties hindered my ability to observe the beauty of life.

I stopped at the Wells Inn, its open sign lit brightly amongst the forested road. I had never been to this one, but gave up after driving miles and not finding an appropriate lounge.

I stepped out of my old, gray Audi and locked it. Not having any luggage with me knowing the situation I left that house with, I carried my wallet in one hand and my phone tightly clutched in my other. It was 4:48 A.M. now. Would anyone even be awake to find my a room here. I looked in the parking lot to see two other cars parked.

I opened the motel door, hearing it creak loudly, making me clench my teeth. The green carpet stank of cigarette smell, and the walls were plastered with floral wallpaper, now falling off in some areas. No one was at the front desk, but there was a man sitting in the lounge, looking at his phone. I quickly rang the bell two times, hoping someone could assist me.

A middle-aged woman entered from one of the rooms, tiredness present in her eyes.

"Sorry to wake you up at such an hour, but I would like a room please."

"It's my job, no trouble dear," responded the sweet women.

"Can I have your name and date of birth?

"It's Gianna Bernardi, I'm seventeen," I stated plainly, having said this too many times, receiving the same shock from others after hearing my age.

"Oh dear, that's quite young to be booking a room. Are you okay here all alone, it's quite a lonely place here in this town," she worried, yet still entering my information from my ID into her book records. Why did she care, I was giving her motel business, wasn't I?

"You'll be in room 3, I'll take your stuff and show you the way," the lady politely offered as she made her way around the front desk. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the man sitting in the lounge, silently.

"Justin, my dear! What are you doing here at such an hour?" she questioned in shock.

The man slowly looked up from whatever activity he was engaged in on his phone. 

"Mary, I just got here an hour ago. I didn't want to wake you up so early in the morning," he spoke firmly. I turned my head from him back to the lady, who now I knew was named Mary.

"Sorry to interrupt," I muttered, "...but I don't have any luggage and I can see my room from here. I'll just get going."

I saw the man's stare on me, looking at my untidy appearance. He was probably judging me right now, and uncomfortable, I left for room three, leaving the two of them to continue on their conversation. 

As soon as I entered my room, I got into bed and gradually fell asleep after I heard Mary and that man's voices simmer down.

INJUSTICE- JUSTIN BIEBERWhere stories live. Discover now