Chapter 5 Finding Out The Truth

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They walked outside to look for JJ.

"Uh Christina, some guy's peeing in your pool." Celeste said then Christina looked at him.

"Oh come on! There's a tree right there!" Christina complained.

They saw a girl with brown hair. It was Jillian, JJ's sister.

"Hey Christina." Jillian said.

"Did you see JJ?" Christina said.

"No but I saw his ex a few minutes ago. She stepped on my foot and said " Aw man I wish it was your face" ugh! I hate her, she such a lying, cheating, bubble head." Jillian said then walked away.

"Lets go inside he's not out here." Celeste said.

Travis and I were upstairs and we saw Shelly and JJ in a room togethe on the bed.

"Oh no this bad this bad, this is really really bad." I said.

"We have to stop them." Travis said then we walked inside.

"Hey JJ." Travis said.

"Wow, Travis you haven't changed a bit." Shelly said then winked at then grimaced at me.

"Can you excuse us?" JJ said then Shelly smiled and closed in our face.

"Ugh! Now what?" I said.

"Lets go find Celeste." Travis said then we went downstairs.

Inside JJ and Shelly were talking.

"I can't belive Simon's gone." Shelly said while making crocodile tears (fake crying) that JJ didn't tell if it was fake. JJ hugged her.

"Simon's better than that, he wouldn't do anything like that to anyone." Shelly said.

"Celeste didn't lie to me, she was telling the truth." JJ said.

"How do you know, that what if she's lying and Simon is innocent." Shelly said.

"When I opened the door he was gone and when I looked for him he was no where to be found. If he was innocent he wouldn't just run off." JJ said.

"Well maybe he was grieving because you decided to believe your girlfriend over your own cousin. " Shelly said.

"Well-" JJ stammered..

"Isn't strange that out of all the girlfriends you had that he's met, it just so happens that Celeste is the only one that he tried to "rape". Shelly said.

"Yeah, it's kinda strange." JJ said.

"I know girls like her, they lie about everything, and break up families and I don't know why your with her." Shelly said with crocodile tears.

" Shes not like that and she doesn't lie to me either." JJ said then Shelly frowned.

"Then you really like her because if you didn't you'd know who she really is." Shelly said.

"Why do you hate her so much." JJ said.

"Because... I'm still in love with you." Shelly said then she kissed him.

They kissed for a few seconds then JJ pulled away.

"I'm not in love with you anymore, now where just friends." JJ said.

"Your not in love with her are you?" Shelly said.

JJ looked down from then she knew it was true. Shelly got up.

"You barely even know her."Shelly said then opened the door and left.

Shelly went downstairs and saw Celeste.

"Celeste. I don't know what you did to JJ and I don't wanna know, but I'm gonna fix it once and for all. After I'm done with him he'll never wanna see you again." Shelly said angrily and left the house.

Celeste went upstairs to find JJ. She knocked on the fitst door she saw.

"Come in." JJ said then Celeste opened the door.

"Hey JJ." Celeste said.

"Hey, are you sure Simon tried to, well you know?" JJ said.

"Yes, why are you saying this to me? Where are you getting this from?" Celeste said.

"Never mind." JJ said.

"Have you been talking to your ex?" Celeate asked.

"She's just worried about me." JJ said.

"Please don't make excuses. You shouldn't trust every word she says." Celeste said.

"And whats that suppose to mean. You think shes a liar?" JJ said.

"I've been told somethings from most of your friends that's she a big fat liar." Celeste said.

"When you say most of friends you mean Vahe, Christina, Heather, Travis, and Kevin right?" JJ said.

"Yes, and some others that have met her, even your sister Jillian." Celeste said.

"They never liked Shelly." JJ said.

"And you can't imagine why can't you!" Celeste said.

"Just give her a chance! Don't follow them and hate her!" JJ yelled.

"I don't hate her and I don't like her. I know shes nothing but trouble. She wants you back you know." Celeste said.

"I know she wants me back. She kissed me and told me she's still in love with me." JJ said and Celeste crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry." JJ said.

"Are you in love with her?" Celeste said gingerly.

"I don't know." JJ said then Celeste looked away from him so he didn't see her cry.

"I have to go." Celeste said and opened the door.

"Celeste wait." JJ said then she closed the door shut behind her.

Celeste went downstairs and saw Vahe. He noticed you were crying.

"What happened?" Vahe said.

"I can't." Celeste said then she went home.

Vahe went to Christina.

"Celeste went home." Vahe said.

"Shelly left too, somethings not right." Christina said.

"What do we do now?" Vahe said.

"Celeste said she had a plan to get ride of Shelly but we should find everyone first." Christina said then she took out her phone.

Christina left Travis, Kevin and I this message.





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