GREEN DAY AND STUFF- Favorite Member

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Hey there guys! I'm doing this thirty day Green Day thing because I'm bored and no one likes me. THATS FINE THOUGH!! So, I bet no one will read this but I don't care. I'm mainly doing this for my own entertainment. Let's move on...

Day 1!

Okay, so I don't really have a favorite. I mean, they're all perfect so...

But I guess I'm going to say Tré and here's why:

My friends and I decided to go as Green Day for our school's super hero day last year and when we were all choosing who we would be, I said "Yo! Who am I?" And every one just kinda laughed and said "Tré" at the same time.

Now, I was new to the Idiot nation. I wasn't even really an Idiot yet... just a wee little Nimrod. I was used to the bands where the bassist and the drummer stand in the back and don't speak. I didn't know much about Tré and I'm not a percussionist, so you can imagine my disappointment when I was chosen to be the drummer and I'm a singer/guitarist, but my friends wouldn't budge. They all insisted I be Tré Cool. None of us REALLY knew much about him, but they knew he was a tweaker. I guess I'm a tweaker?? I dunno, but I was supposed to go as Tré Cool.

I was pissed.

But, I just had to deal with it.

I went home that day, and watched every video on YouTube about him, finding out he hand my mother could basically be the same person (both European immigrants, moved to Cali, born actually 20 days apart. And not like in different years, 20 actual days.), that he was more talented than I imagined, and made the word 'tweaker' seem like a compliment.

So, I guess that's why I'm using him as my favorite member, because I relate to him. I don't have favorites and I love them all equally, but I'm much more like Tré than any of the other members.

Day 1, achieved.

Much love!!

It's been real,

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