My Taehyungie ♡

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I ran to Taehyung and to everyone else. It was still pretty early.

Taehyung: "hey guys, do you want to go ice skating?"

Y/n: "I don't know how.."

Taehyung: "I can teach you!"

Y/n: "erm..."

Taehyung: "I'll take care of you!"

Y/n: "okay finee.."

Isabella: "I want to come! I'll ask jungkook if he wants to too."

Carolina: "yeah same with jimin and I."

Jasmine: "um.. I'm kind of scared that namjoon might break his bones.."

Y/n: "there's things you can hold on to while ice skating"

Jasmine: "right! Okay I'll ask him too"

Y/n: "yay! We just need to ask Julia and jhope"

Carolina: "what about Jin?"

Y/n: "uhmm.. I'll try"

Taehyung: "I'll try calling Hobi"

Y/n: "I'll call Julia"

I called Julia and she answered.

Julia: "hello?"

Y/n: "hey do you want tot go ice skating with us?"

Julia: "yeah sure! But can Hobi come?"

Y/n: "yeah, Taehyung is calling him."

Julia: "aren't you still in the amusement park? You could've just told me"

Y/n: "to lazy.."

Julia: "haha same.. okay meet you there with Hobi!"

Y/n: "see ya!"

I ended the call.

Taehyung: "Hobi said yes"

Y/n: " I knew it, it's because Julia is coming"

Taehyung: "true"

Y/n: "hey Taehyung?"

Taehyung: "yes?"

Y/n: "can I call you Taehyungie?"

Tae looked down and blushed

Taehyung: "sure.. you call me anything you want."

Y/n: "okay Pabo"

Taehyung: "YAH!"

Y/n: "hehe just joking Taehyungie."

Taehyung: "did you call Jin yet?"

Y/n: "I forgot, lemme ask him right now. Wait.. you're okay with it right?"

Taehyung: "I'm okay with it, as long as you don't ditch me."

Y/n: "I won't hehe"

I called jin but he didn't answer, so decided to text him.

Y/n: "hey Jin! Do you want to go ice skating with everyone else?"

I waited a while to receive the text message back.

Jin: "I'm sorry. I don't feel like looking you guys being happy. Besides, it's  not like you'll be next to me."

Y/n: "Jin.."

Jin: "have fun though. 👋🏻"

Taehyung: "what did he say?"

Y/n: "he said he doesn't want to see us be happy together."

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