wuuuut? A vacation? Noooh, that's illegal...

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Herro my wolfinators, Kris here for an update, well lets get started. Uhm well you see, I'm kinda going on a vacation. Tomorrow, as in I'm leaving for Orlando Florida, Tomorrow, for eight/8 days... which means no chapters... for  eight days... PLS DON'T KILL ME!!! Dx I'll TRY TO POST TOMORROW A REALLY LONG CHAPTER I SWEAR!! BUT PLEASE DON HURT ME Dx BUT WAIT! My genius mind came up with something! Thank you mind! (Mind: Your welcome Kris,) OOooookkkaaaaay, Ima pretend that didn't happen... so annnyyyyywwayyys, MY IDEA! Since were driving there I'll have nothing better to do than to type! Yay for bordness! I have alot to do tomorrow but the day after tomorrow we'll probablly be on the road by then so I'll have nothing better to do than to type! I think I'll manage to post a chapter of each of my stories! Yay for long car rides bordness and horrible grammar. YEAH!! That's my goal post a chapter of each of my stories that way you guys don't have an excuse to bug me. THIS CHAPTER COUNTS!!! P.S my stories... This book I'll use for updates and thank you notes just, you know, a heads up... but that's my goal and you guys can hold me to it idk create a dare and if I don't sucseed post the dare down in the comment section and I'll Do the dare and type my experience sound good? But don't count on it xD I WILL SUCSEED! But since i'm so nice I'll do the dare anyways you know if it's possible for me... so, GET DARING and I'll see what I can do. TYPING SKILLZ DONT FAIL ME NOW! :D yeah i probablly won't do the dare anyways... But I'll post as many chapters as I can whilst still enjoying my vacation it is a vaction after all... If I don't post as often as I plan to I'll make it up to you once i get back home xD See you later my wolfinators! P.S If any of my wolfinators maybe want to meet me (Which I highly doubt) And you happen to live in orlando, PM Me and I'll set you up! I think... I might PM you my location maybe idk if you want to meet me bad enough why notbut still, don't be afraid to ask.. I have a feeling I'm making myself look more popular than I actually am... Oh well, a persons gotta dream right?

see ya later my wolfinators! HAH! That rhymed! Ima go to sleep now, GOODNIGHT! Enjoy yourselves my wolfinators! KRIS OUT *Magically flies away screaming* GOOOOOoooooooddbyyyyyyye!!! you hopefully wave as my voice gets quieter and quieter as i eventually go out of sight. Whoops accidently went into a little something called R.P.ing whoops ima go now... lols and when i started ths i thought i wouldn't manage to make this, weird, long and random but i totally did the opposite... uhm whoops ADHD?? Ima go now before I can ramble any longer...

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