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Nick Fury wraps his hands around the back of a chair at the conference table. The Avengers surrounding him currently immersed in debate on how to best deal with Loki and locate the tesseract. "You could always send in your little pet" Tony suggests looking over to Fury with a raised brow.

Fury scowled over at Tony. "I'd rather that be an alternative plan" Fury clearly hoping Tony would shut his mouth and stop blabbing about sensitive information.

"As much as I hate to say it I think Mr. Stark has a point" Natasha sighs before looking over to Fury "She would be the most effective method of extracting information from Loki. If I were to integrate him we could only get so much information before he would realize what was going on. With her  we could potentially gain unlimited knowledge to the interworking's of Loki's mind."

"Excuse me but what or who are we exactly referring to? You've lost me." Steve points out and Thor too agrees with a huff. 

Fury turns and waves over a crew member from the bridge. "Go and retrieve Eilnar. It's time she met everyone anyways" he grumbled.

Thor seemed to immediately perk with curiosity at the name. Tony seemed to settle further into his seat with a smirk on his face. He fleetingly wished for a bucket of popcorn for the show that was about to begin.

Not long after the crew member returns with a being very obviously not human. The woman's skin was a pale shade that seemed tinted lilac if one were to compare it to her snow white locks. Her hair was pulled into a simple ponytail whose length reached her lower back. With her hair pulled back one could very obviously spot the large pointed ears. 

Marring her skin were delicate white scars, one traced a horizontal pattern across the middle of her face and several more were curving down from her jaw and disappeared underneath the collar of her shirt. Her clothing was a long grey t shirt and black leggings. On both her feet and hands were black metallic devices that wore like cloth but were locked onto her with a lock on her ankles and wrists.

She was timid in her steps but as soon as she spotted Natasha she hurried over to the red head, and hid behind her. The moment Thor laid eyes on her he threw an accusing glare over at Fury. "Do you make it a habit to imprison those who aren't Midguardian?"

Both Steve and Banner wore a perplexed expression at the entrance of this strange creature. Yet it seemed as though everyone else in the room (except Thor) had already made this creatures acquaintance. Yet at the booming of the god of thunders voice a small squeak of terror emitted from the girlish creature as she cowered further behind Natasha. 

Fury did not flinch at the accusation "Only the dangerous ones."

"How is she dangerous?" Steve's voice was full of his obvious confusion.

"With a single touch she could learn anything and everything about a person. Nuclear codes? Top Secret Projects? War Plans?" Tony says as he gets out of his chair "Any secret anyone has in their brain she could figure it out in a single touch. And she's got wicked powerful magic to boot. I'd bet it possibly rivals Reindeer game's." He swiped a card from Natasha as he reached for the girl who only shirked away. After moment though when he continued to hold his hand out she slowly placed her own in his. He waved the card in front of the scanner and the black metal began to roll away revealing her skin. The device rolled itself into a small sphere. 

She quickly produced her other hand for him so that he could remove that one to. He then bent down to release both her feet from the same contraption. Handing the card back to Natasha and tossing the four spheres of black metal onto the table. "Did you hear anyone give you permission to do that Stark? Or are you hearing voices now?" Fury barked out. 

"We're going to use her anyways." Tony defended "What, you got something important to hide Fury?" Tony teased without turning around. Instead he offered his hand. "What up Lady Legolas? Remember me?" 

"Call her by her name Tony" Natasha tossed out non committedly as she stayed in her position to block the girl from the rest of the room. 

The rooms eyes were now trained on pale hands as one slowly reached out to Tony's outstretched palm. Two fingers barely brushed against the middle of his offered palm. It was a short moment later that the girl lifted her eyes and offered Tony a small smile as she put her hand back against her side.

"Nice to see you again to." Tony said gently. Before turning back to the room. Meeting the stares of everyone he shrugged his shoulders "Were you all expecting me to blow up or somethin?"

Fury rubbed a hand over his face as he sighed "Mr. Stark should I remind you that you are a person with sensitive information we don't want just anyone walking around with?"

"I don't think she's going to go waltzing down Time's Square Nick." He joked but then started up more vehemently "She's not out to learn all the secrets of our world and then destroy it like you all think. Eilnar is very polite. She didn't do nothin except gauge my emotions and say hi. God your all to freakin paranoid."

"Its our job to be" Fury spat out.

"How did she get here?" Thor demanded and seemingly determined not to be forgotten in the commotion. Again the girl squeaks and grabs onto the back of Natasha's jacket fearfully. 

"We just found her" was Fury's rather unhelpful reply.

"She's not here against her will Thor."

"It's not like you gave her any other choice though" Tony mumbles

A pale hand reached around Natasha and was held just in front of the assassin. Natasha gently placed her own on top of it. She removed it a few moments later. "Thor come over here and stop being so loud. She wants to talk to you."

After a moments hesitation Thor walks over to where the girl was grasping onto Natasha. One hand still clutching Natasha's jacket she held the other out, palm up, in offering to the god. He slowly placed his own over it.

Her Touch (Loki)Where stories live. Discover now