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There are vague infinity wars spoilers ahead.

Eilnar woke slowly in stages. The first realization was that all the pain was gone. The second was that the constant hum of the heli carrier was absent. Slowly she sat up, her attention drawn to her obvious nudity as Loki's jacket fell from her. Looking around her the room was small and made of cement with few things other than the bed- wait. . .Loki's jacket? 

And that is when her memories untwisted from unrecognizable blobs into a cohesive time line. Shit. I've been captured. Was her next thought as she pulled the jacket back up to cover herself, eyes darting about the room for the owner of the jacket. Eilnar let out a relieved sigh to find she was the only occupant of the room. . .for now. The bed was pushed back against the far wall from the door. A dresser stood against another wall and opposite the wall of that was a desk and chair. A lone lamp on the desk was the only source of light. 

Her eyes drifted to the foot of the bed where a stack of cloth sat. Shuffling closer she picked it up to discover it was a set of woman's clothes. Sparring the door a worried glance she quickly shed the jacket and started dressing. All together there was; underwear, a black sports bra that was a half a size to small, a white tank top that was loose and stretched out, and black joggers that required her to pull the drawstring tight. Eilnar unbinds her hair from its pony tail so she can attempt to run her fingers through it to comb it.

She was disappointed to not find socks or shoes. Meaning that her captor was not keen on her escaping. The room was extremely cold. Each step of her bare feet against the cement floor forced the chill further up her spine. There were no windows so she approached the door and gave the latch an experimental pull. Nothing. So in the interest of not shivering herself to exhaustion she retreated back to the bed and pulled on Loki's jacket and grabbed the blankets  to wrap around her. She sat on the bed with her back leaning against the wall. Her eyes trained on the door as she settled herself in to await her fate.


Loki hesitated as he hovered his hand over the lock. Is she awake? Upon waking did she realize who the intruder to her mind was? Would she now see him as a weakling and try to push at his pressure points? Was she disgusted that she had treated him with such gentle kindness? 

He huffed as he pushed away these worries. Loki was going to be king of this miserable realm. He would conquer midguard in a glorious battle. A feeble elf girl would not stop him nor distract him from his true purpose. With that he unlocked the door and pushed it open. Holding his chin high as he looked down upon her.

Loki could tell that her teeth were clenched and she had on a poor façade of stoicism. "Hello again elfling." He grinned as he shut the door behind him. "I hope this is all to your liking. . .You'll be staying here for quite awhile." He searched her eyes for any indicator of her reaction to his earlier intrusion in her mind. And she gave none.

Eilnar's eyes only shimmered in her fear as he stalked closer. She left the cocoon of blankets in order to shift further down the bed and further away from him. His eyes trailed down her form "Hmm, I must say you look rather ravishing in my colors." He teased.

Her mouth gaped open and he laughed as she scrambled to take the coat off. She balled it up and chucked it at him whilst hissing "O porerol vol!"

"Don't worry darling, this pig likes feisty woman." His grin is all teeth.

"Vol" She grumbles again.

He steps closer to her, tossing his coat to the bed while his eyes were pinned to her. For every step he takes closer she shuffles further away. Eventually she ran out of bed and was forced to edge away against the wall. He took two quick steps towards her and had her effectively trapped in the corner. His lips tilted upwards as Eilnar attempt to keep a brave expression on her features. 

Her Touch (Loki)Where stories live. Discover now