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Seedpaw's warrior name would have been Seedfire because fire destroys things

Branchpaw's warrior name was Branchclaw

Seedpaw's sister's name was Sandkit

The Dark Forest cats names were Lionflight(golden tom), Snowfeather and Flowerclaw

The other StarClan cat was one of the cats that Seedpaw accidentally killed in battle

Sandkit would have become Sandthorn

Branchpaw/claw never got a mate

Seedpaw's mom's name is Windflight

Branchpaw/claw died of old age as an elder

Swantail was a queen until Seedpaw was five moons old and she took care of her

Only Swantail knew that Windflight was glad that Seedpaw died

If she had lived, Seedpaw(She would have been Seedfire) and Branchpaw(claw) would have became mates and have three kits, Swankit, Brightkit and Mudkit

Swantail died shortly after Seedpaw when she threatened to tell that Windflight was glad that Seedpaw died(she was killed by Windflight)

Swantail stayed the same age that she was when she was mentoring Seedpaw and decided to roam the land of the living with her

Windflight was exiled when Swantail's spirit told the leader that she had killed her

Swantail was a well-liked cat had many cats felt sorry for her when she got Seedpaw for an apprentice, even though she volunteered

Branchpaw's mentor was a she-cat named Blueclaw

(5/9/21 - This is a cringy story I wrote in like 2017. The concept is okay but idk why it's still being read. Thanks tho)

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